Ta-dah! The guys have finished. In fact they went above-and-beyond, and Baggy loves it. Creative Clara thinks that it might be necessary to rename the house Bumblebee Cottage, not just because of its colour, but also because by next spring it will probably be covered in the little chaps when they think that they've found a giant flower to land on! It hasn't been the smoothest of processes to get to this point, but the guys who actually did the work have been wonderful and Baggy is glad that she's 'found' them.
There's still a ton more stuff to get done - probably next year, but it's a massive step in the right direction. Next steps will be:
- having the rest of the roof redone i.e. all the back bits.
- having all the woodwork fixed/replaced and painted (front and back).
- having the front wall (that has been driven into at least twice since Baggy and Cal moved in), rebuilt, then painted.
- having a little picket fence added on top of the front wall, and a gate added. Which will hopefully a) stop the idiots driving into it as they might notice it and b) stop idiot mothers allowing their tiny toddlers to walk along the top of the completely broken wall, which at the right-hand end has a three-foot drop onto concrete!!
- having the broken guttering replaced.
- having the retaining wall reinforced, as it's bowing out.
Hopefully then, the house will be sound and waterproof for another few years - and will look loved! It's a sad truth that as soon as one bit is fixed, it becomes screamingly obvious how many other bits are on their last legs! But not to worry, Bit-at-a-time-Betty knows that it will get there eventually.
Now, if The Domestic Goddess could just work out where on earth to put all the excess furniture, and crates of stuff from the old house that are currently cluttering up almost every room, things would be marvellous!
Further good news! Billy Bob Jalopy campervan is home and what's more his four new correctly-sized tyres, mean that he now drives better than he ever has! In fact, Baggy will no longer need to eat spinach to acquire Popeye-sized muscles in order to be able to turn the steering wheel! However, he has to go back in yet again in a couple of weeks, to get the MOT done, that they 'forgot all about.' Sigh! But Hormonal Hannah is delighted to have him back, she'd forgotten how safe he makes her feel. So having walked the two miles to the garage to pick him up this morning, Baggy then drove Furry Mama and the pooch to the beach.
He needed properly wearing out! Yesterday, having only had a walk around the village, he decided to entertain himself by destroying the bed that Furry Mama bought him for his birthday.
When Baggy went upstairs, the evidence of fluffy white stuffing, was scattered all across the bedroom! Clever Bird wonders if it was because the lad took offence to the colour...