Monday, 5 August 2019

So lucky.

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

Depression: Absent.
Anxiety: Okay.
Tears: More runny-eyes.
Laughs: :) .

Baggy ended up heading to an emergency appointment at her GP's on Friday afternoon - the diagnosis was vertigo, caused by having to lie still during her surgery. Pills were collected from the pharmacy - but not taken, as Clever Bird wanted to see whether she could get better without them. She did! Baggy is considerably better than she was, but there is a 'however'. That being that her brain still hasn't caught up with her new eye!

Creative Clara will backtrack a little! Baggy's brain has flipped between her weaker left eye, and her stronger right eye, probably since childhood. The weak eye was never diagnosed when she was little, so got gradually weaker and in her twenties, began to get short-sighted. However, as her right eye was perfect, Baggy could see! The right eye did all the long distance stuff, the left eye did all the close up stuff. Then the cataract started to form - (probably due to one of Grotty Groom's various bangs on the head), and the left eye became pretty useless. Of course it wasn't your usual cataract which starts on the outside and works in, nope, Baggy's started in the middle and worked its way outwards, so her vision got bad. All she could see from that eye was a vague blur.

Consequently, the current opticians, consultants and surgeons, all kept telling Baggy that she had a lazy eye. And yes, that made sense to Clever Bird. However, a 'lazy eye' is an actual condition - a neurological one that means that your brain does not recognise that eye (even if it's working perfectly). Hence being told not to expect the surgery to make much difference to her vision.

WRONG! Baggy's brain works in its own unique little way and is now extremely 'confuddled' about what's going on! It is so used to relying on her right eye, that suddenly having the option of her left one is confusing it no end! Indeed, her new bionic left eye is far better than her right (slightly long-sighted one) - it even sees colours better! But it's taking Baggy's brain a while to figure it out! Currently, the two eyes working together are totally throwing out Baggy's sense of perspective! She's tripping over things, knocking things off the table, and last night thought that Calum had melted the frying pan, so that it had become oval instead of circular!! Clever Bird has decided that for the time being, she had better not let Baggy drive!

The good news though, is that despite it being the most terrifying experience for Hormonal Hannah, Baggy would have it done again! The improvement in her vision is amazing. Creative Clara keeps getting all excited about how bright colours are, and how detailed all kinds of things are, that she thought she could see reasonably well before.

Clever Bird is so happy that the National Health Service is so amazing. Of course, it has its issues, and could certainly be more efficient, but heaven knows where Baggy would be without it. She read something the other day, suggesting that everyone should be given a pre-paid invoice whenever they had treatment on the NHS so that they truly appreciate what they've had done, and the cost of their treatment. Of course, it's a great idea, but not one that makes sense, as it would cost so much to set-up. However, just thinking about it at all, is a good thing!

Truthfully, Baggy must have had literally hundreds-of-thousands of pounds worth of treatment over her lifetime, and she is extremely grateful for it. Now she just needs to negotiate her way to the kitchen to make a nice cuppa, without tripping over something.....

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