Furry Mama is delighted to say that the pooch seems to be almost back to his usual, lovely self. Not quite; but almost! He's still much less energetic than usual, but at least he is wanting to go out for walks again. And no Baggees, Creative Clara has not retouched that photo - the sky truly was that blue yesterday.
Freda Fretter is worried about the sand dunes though! A few weeks ago, these were dunes that gently rolled down to the beach, not the eight-plus foot 'cliff' that they currently are.
It's hardly surprising, with the storms and the exceptionally high tides that have been happening recently, but it's scary how fast the coast in Suffolk is eroding.
And that's the really good news! The online programme that Baggy is following, is now in its fifth week, and Baggy feels like a new person! And as for Hormonal Hannah - well - that's a bit of a miracle! Clever Bird can't actually remember the last time that she felt so good; if indeed she ever has felt so good!
This is a combination of two things. Firstly, the programme that has her eating better, thinking more positively and meditating, as well as walking more and exercising. Result: she is less stressed, calmer, sleeping better, more energetic, less hungry and has so far lost 1 stone! Secondly, it's down to Baggy's number one furry!
Last weekend, after a few dreams, and resurfacing, 'flashback'- type memories, Hormonal Hannah decided to open up to her husband - well as best she could, when she can't actually remember anything for sure! But it's clear to Clever Bird that whatever major trauma, or traumas that happened to Baggy when she was a small child, are, for whatever reason, attempting to resurface from the depths of her subconscious, where they've been buried for the last fifty-plus years. It's been rather terrifying and was putting Hannah back into a really bad place, because it seems probable that little Baggy might well have been abused. When Baggy explained all this to Calum, through marginally hysterical tears, his response was simple, and brilliant.
'If you did ever remember what happened to you, how would you feel about it?'
'I don't know, but if it's as awful as I suspect it is, then I'd be devastated.'
'And would you feel any differently about yourself?'
'What do you mean?'
'Well whatever it was that happened, happened - there's nothing you can do about it now. You're the person you are, in spite of it, or maybe partly because of it, and I wouldn't change you at all. I love you just as you are.'
After letting that sink in, and a mini-meltdown, somehow Hannah has let it go! And she feels great! Because Calum is correct, and in deciding to stop letting the past eat her up, she finally doesn't care what happened, because she adores her husband, and her life, and she doesn't want to waste what's left of it being debilitated by hidden memories. As a result, the gang are back on track!
Furry Mama has taken to walking the pooch at the beach, before Baggy drives Grotty Groom to the yard to see her horses. As she wants to bring both of them back into work, Clever Bird decided that she should get them checked over by their physiotherapist. Yes Baggees, Baggy is falling apart at the seams with aches, pains and arthritis, but it's the horses who have a physiotherapist!
Considering that they've had three years off, being lawnmowers, they're both in good shape. They've lost their muscle strength, which is no surprise, and Wesley is stiff behind, which is also no surprise; Wesley has been stiff behind at this time of year, since he was four years old, thanks sadly to his back issues.
So Grotty knows that they need to start some gentle work, to build their muscles back up. Today, Grotty started her plan - walk Wesley, like you walk a dog! Only trouble was that he was having his postprandial nap when she got there.
As Grotty went into his stable, it was clear that the Boy had no intention of getting up to do some work.
Gentle persuasion wasn't cutting it, after all last time Grotty just lay down with him, and he carried on sleeping!
In the end, Grotty just said, 'Up you get!' and he decided to oblige. They had a very happy thirty minutes wandering around the indoor school. By the end of it, Baggy could barely keep up with Wesley.
He clearly enjoyed ambling about the school, and was happy to let Clara take a few photos before they wandered back to the stables.
Chilled horse - totally unnecessary for Freda Fretter to make Grotty wear a riding hat that nearly cooked Baggy's head! It was a win win though, because it added a further 3,000 steps to Baggy's daily count!
Once back in the stable, Grotty headed off to fetch the lad some minty treats. She went back into his stable to put his rug on, but as soon as Wesley realised that Grotty had treats on her he started to do his routine of stretches! Now this was surprising, as it must be at least three years since he last did them. Grotty was delighted, a) because he remembered them and b) because he did them with ease!
Now Clever Bird just needs to get Baggy to remember to do some stretches too...
Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!
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