Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Routine can help with depression.

Grotty Groom's Week.

  • Trot circles are coming along dressage-diva style.
  • Weekend hacks with Calum and Joey are now up to an hour, pretty much all on wonderful off-road, permissive bridleways.
  • Grotty cantered Wesley up a hill! Yep Baggees, even Clever Bird can't believe that statement, but it had rained all of the night before; the ground was soft; and the hill was "calling". It was actually calling Wesley more than Grotty - probably because it's pretty hard work walking up a hill with a human sitting on your back - so before Wesley took matters into his own hands, leaving Grotty as an unwilling passenger, Grotty asked for a canter. It was wonderful!
  • Calum and Grotty persuaded the Boys to walk through bonfire smoke, coming from a crackling fire just feet away from them. The smoke was so thick that even Baggy could barely see what was the other side of it, (but at least she knew that it was just the yard!). It took a little persuasion; okay a lot of persuasion, but Cal got Joey through it, and realising that if he wasn't careful he was going to be left in it without his brother, Wesley decided to follow.
  • During Wesley's second warm-up canter this morning, Grotty managed to prevent him from undertaking his favourite cheeky-horse move! Suddenly his head was being shaken from side-to-side and heading down between his knees. This move has previously been the first stage before throwing in a fly-buck or three! Baggy's heart rate shot up, but Grotty took charge! "Don't you dare!" growled Grotty, as she pulled his head back up. He listened - he stopped, and returned to being a dressage diva.
  • Tomorrow, nerves permitting, Grotty is going to hack Wesley out with a horse and rider, that Grotty and he have never ridden with before.

Gloria Gardener's Week
  • Much watering!
  • A pathetic amount of weeding, considering just how much needs doing!
  • With help from Furry Mama, a frog was rescued from one of Pepper Pooch's water bowls, and relocated to the little pond - Furry Mama can't decide whether he's still in there though.

Furry Mama's Week
  • Grotty being at the yard from 6.30am, means that she's done-and-dusted by around 8.45, so Furry Mama can have Pepper Pooch on the beach at Southwold by 9.00. Social-distancing is easy-peasy at that time of day.
  • Pepper has been swimming and ball-chasing daily.

The Domestic Goddess's Week
  • Aside from the usual boring cleaning and cooking stuff, she has given Billy Bob Jalopy campervan a thorough wash, because he was filthy!
  • He needed cleaning as Baggy wanted to get him seen by the local bodywork experts to get a quote for having his rusty bits and scratches sorted out.

  • He's booked in for a respray in September!

Hormonal Hannah's Week
  • Truthfully, Hannah has been struggling a little. She's okay, but she's been tired and teary, a sure sign that the black cloud is hovering somewhere nearby.
  • Siestas have become a "thing", so it is possible that Baggy might be anaemic again, but she's not going to the doctor's to find out!
  • Hannah is loving Grotty Groom! She is her antidepressant.
  • As is having a takeaway cup of decaffeinated latte, while sitting in Billy Bob after walking the Pooch, enjoying this view.

Overall it's been a good week...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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