Monday, 30 January 2017

Keeping the black cloud at bay.

Note to readers (my lovely bloggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

The pesky black cloud was hovering over Baggy this morning. She's never great on a Monday, when number one furry, Calum, has left for work for the week. Today he was up at 4.30am and Hormonal Hannah tried to stop Baggy getting back to sleep. She must have succeeded though, as she had a rude awakening at 6.30am when the mighty Hinge cat decided it was high time that Furry Mama got up, and landed on Baggy's stomach. Believe Creative Clara when she tells you that this HURTS! Hinge might be a cat, but she weighs nearly ten kilograms!

Furry Mama realised that Bracket kat was curled up by Baggy's feet, so as Baggy rolled Hinge off her, she decided to get out of the bed (so Hormonal Hannah could go to the loo), from Calum's side; she rolled over to do just that, only to realise that Minty Mutt was lying on the bed next to her. How on earth ten-stone of German Shepherd had got on the bed without disturbing Baggy is beyond Clever Bird, but he had. Furry Mama was so chuffed that three of her furries were on her bed, she went back to sleep. When she awoke again at 9.30am the black cloud had receded somewhat. Baggy took her happy pill and after a while it receded a little further, but Hannah was still making Baggy want to cry.

Clever Bird decided that Baggy should be kept busy, so muttering to herself constantly about what she would do today, she started her day:

Furry Mama feed the furries and clean the litter trays.
Baggy have a shower.
The Domestic Goddess needs to put a load of washing on.
Get Baggy dressed.
Furry Mama to take Minty Mutt for a long walk.
Grotty Groom needs to find the fleeces from the garage and put them in the car.
Furry Mama to settle Minty with the telly and some chews.
Grotty to head over to the yard and groom the Boys and give them a cuddle.
The Domestic Goddess must go food shopping on the way home, as none was done at the weekend.
Put the food away. Hang the washing up. Put the old washing away. Make some lunch.
Re-claim the garage! Again!

(Now this one was rather annoying! It had taken The Goddess two whole days last week to re-claim the garage from the chaos!

She did it so that when Calum brought Billy Bob camper van home, he could go in the garage. He came home on Wednesday night. Calum drove him in - realised he couldn't open the doors to get out of him - Clever Bird checked how much further he could come in, only to realise that the back end was still a foot outside the garage - they gave up, Calum drove him out again. On Saturday the garage was filled up again - with horse stuff!!!!!!)

Wash the salt off Billy Bob.
Start to re-claim the house - which is now a dumping ground for a large amount of the "stuff" that was removed from the garage.
Make sure Creative Clara checks her Etsy shop and writes her blog.

Do all of the above to keep the depression at bay, because what Baggy actually wanted to do this morning was to stay in bed with her furries! But guess what bloggees, she didn't - she and the gang have completed the whole list - well, kind of, no house re-claiming has happened yet, but it's only 5.00pm, so there's time!

Grotty Groom is so lucky now. At the new yard the Boys are on full livery, as DIY is not an option. Although they have been on full livery for the last sixteen months, it wasn't the same. Hormonal Hannah has made Grotty feel guilty for at least the last ten months that she wasn't looking after the Boys herself. Since her various surgeries, Baggy is nowhere near as fit as she was, and certainly nowhere near as strong, but Grotty probably could have looked after the horses for at least some of the time. But now it's not an option, so the guilt has gone. It's really lovely just spending time with them without all the work, time and responsibility of totally looking after them. It also gives Baggy so much more time for all the other stuff she needs to do. For instance, the two hours it took to re-claim the garage again today, watched by the Minty Mutt.

Moving to the new house, has definitely been a positive move. Once the roads are a little less frozen, the next step will be getting on with sorting out the holiday let..........

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