Monday, 14 August 2017

Downward Spiral

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 6.
Tears: No.
Overall day(s): 😼

It's very easy to slip into a downward spiral without even noticing that you're doing it baggees. Sleeping later and later because you can't face the day. Not wanting to leave the house. Not facing facts about things that really do need to be taken seriously. Being a big fluffy ostrich really. All the things that Hormonal Hannah has had Baggy doing for the last couple of weeks. And some! Hence the lack of blogs again, for which apologies. Baggy will try harder. Plus, when she has been awake, she's been pretty flat out trying to get things sorted out, and Creative Clara hasn't had much of a look in.

But Hannah's little menopausal mush-brain means that she can't really remember what the gang have been up to for the last four days! Much of it was spent attempting to get back on top of the chaos that was the annexe. She's happy to report that although this is still not done, you can actually now at least get into each room! And she did find lots of bits to show the auctioneer today. Although sadly this did not go well. It would seem that the bottom has fallen out of the antique furniture market and pieces that were worth hundreds of pounds when Baggy acquired them, would now be lucky to sell for twenty pounds. So Clever Bird is going back to the drawing board, in coming up with a money-earning plan. Time for The Domestic Goddess to polish Baggy's car and get it valued. She'd much rather pootle about in Billy Bob Jalopy camper van anyway. Plus Furry Mama is well aware that Minty Mutt is comfier in Billy Bob than in the car. Bless him, he's seriously struggling to get up the ramp. Billy Bob is currently being fixed so that he will get his MOT, so assuming he passes it, Brucie car will be looking for a new home!

Psychic Ploppo decided that Baggy needed a little bit of guidance and inner support, as she's just getting way too stressed about things over which she has little control. Whilst fighting with the stuff in the annexe she found her old tarot cards along with her "Beginner's Book", so she decided to revamp her interest in them. For a few days now she has been picking a random card a couple of times a day. If you know about tarot baggees, you will appreciate this even more than Ploppo does, but the cards were very interesting. Even if you don't know about tarot baggees, hold the thought that like "normal" playing cards, there are four suits (Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles) with fourteen cards in each suit. There are also twenty two other cards - seventy-eight cards in all.

Psychic Ploppo picked (in this sequence):
  1. 5 of cups.
  2. 3 of cups.
  3. The magician.
  4. The high priestess.
  5. Queen of cups.
  6. Hermit (inverted).
  7. 9 of pentacles.
  8. The world (inverted).
  9. Strength.
  10. 8 of cups (inverted).
  11. 4 of cups (inverted).
  12. Sun (inverted).
  13. Emperor (inverted).
  14. Queen of cups (inverted).
Seriously - what are the odds? Cups are linked to emotions. They indicate fair, plump, emotional, creative people and are linked to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces (Baggy is a Scorpio). Anyway, Clever Bird is only learning, but it's all good! Much of it is about being better after physical and/or emotional ill health. And making the most of opportunities. Baggy needs to rely on herself and use her powers and skills to move forward. Especially using her psychic and creative abilities!! But she mustn't be too hasty or too rash or be stopped by self-doubt or fear of failure etc etc. Basically, it's a "You're in a great place and if you are determined, you can go far" kind of thing. Hopefully, things are looking up - or more to the point, if Baggy can keep Hormonal Hannah from being too dominant in her life and can let Creative Clara and Clever Bird free rein, she should be able to earn a bit more of a living from her vintage goods. These cute little chaps are on their way to their new lives on the Isle of Scilly today.

From Creative Clara is delighted that they've been adopted.........

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