Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey .
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 7.
Tears: Maybe.
Overall day(s): 😳
It was inevitable that the double whammy of number one furry going back to work on Tuesday and Baggy's sister going home on the same day, would put Hormonal Hannah into a dodgy place, but keeping Baggy occupied has worked. Even Grotty Groom managed a couple of hours with the Boys - they had their annual jab and dental treatment on Tuesday afternoon, which at least meant that Baggy had to leave the house twice - once with Furry Mama and once with Grotty. Yesterday, Creative Clara spent all day pricing new stock for the Halesworth Brocante on Saturday. As the big antique fair was last Sunday, Clever Bird is convinced that it will be a quiet one, and she needs Clara to show new stuff. She decided to practise a new, more coordinated look. What do you think baggees?
Today, once she'd managed to convince Baggy to face the day, Furry Mama took Minty for his walk, before Baggy took Clever Bird into town to post off the land-purchase documents finally! This also required payment!!!! But thanks to Baggy selling her car, Calum being back at work, Minty's insurance paying out, and the extra holiday cottage bookings, this was okay. Phew! Hormonal Hannah's anxiety levels went down once it was done. One less thing to worry about. With luck in a week or so, Gloria will officially own her lovely garden.
Clara then went back to sorting stock for table two. This is still a bit unfinished, but it's getting there.
The proof of the plan will be revealed on Saturday. Freda Fretter has various of Baggy's bits crossed that it will be another good fair. Especially as sadly, Clara's space in the vintage shop is not going to be available after all. At least not any time soon. So much of the stock that she had ear-marked for that shop, will now be on her stall at the weekend. But as they say, "Practice makes perfect", and Baggy is enjoying using Clever Bird's brain to make sales in this highly competitive market.
Meanwhile, Freda Fretter is trying to work out where Fred-the-size-of-a-cat-with-clogs-on-Spider, has vanished to. He was on the wall above the clock a while back, but now there's no sign of him, and as he can cross the room faster than a race horse, this is more than a little bit worrying. It's all Furry Mama's fault though. Baggy is terrified of spiders. But Furry Mama felt sorry for Fred when he was stuck in the bath for a couple of days, so she traipsed a towel into the bath for him to crawl up. He used it. And vanished! Well now he's in the sitting room with Baggy, but where, is anyone's guess! Baggy's feet will remain firmly on the sofa, until Hormonal Hannah forgets all about him once again..........
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