Creative Clara's last blog on 17th December, had Baggy beating herself up for going back on the anti-depressants. But having done so, Hormonal Hannah felt less anxious, very quickly. So much so, that she also took her Doctor's advice and had Grotty Groom get back on a horse! Not her own (as Baggy is once again too heavy for Wesley's bad back), but Calum's pure Irish Draught - the wonderful Joey! Now just to put this in context, since the horses moved to their new yard, nearly two years ago, they have been ridden twice! In fact they have done no work at all, even in hand, for probably eighteen months! But Calum tacked Joey up and walked him down to the indoor school. He then walked him round in-hand for a minute, before hopping on him! Calum said that it was slightly nerve-wracking, but whatever Joey was thinking, he didn't put a hoof wrong. After two minutes, Grotty hopped on him and walked him round for another two minutes. She had a stupid grin on her face, as she suspects did Joey. The lad is a wonder horse!
The next day, Grotty hopped on him for five minutes, without Calum getting on first!
Baggy had a wonderful Christmas. The day itself was a simple one, with number one furry and Pepper, Hinge and Bracket. It was all very laid back and relaxed; basically consisting of eating and watching television. Not even any beach trips with the pooch, as a few days before, he ended up on three legs. Clever Bird is hopeful that he's just pulled something, but the vet is threatening X-rays next week if he's still lame. Furry Mama will however be refusing them, unless they absolutely insist it's necessary, as the poor lad would have to be heavily sedated for them to be able to do it. Pepper loved his presents, although it took him less than an hour to destroy them!