Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Baggy is not going blind :)

Very quick update Baggees, as after three hours at Ipswich hospital this morning, and anaesthetics, eye-drops, dilating fluid and Heaven knows what else being put into Baggy's eyes during that period, her eyes are a tad tired. However, Freda Fretter is delighted to say that Baggy does not have glaucoma, and is therefore not going blind! Phew!

Whatever the 'spot' is at the back of her eye on the optic nerve, it's not glaucoma! Clever Bird wonders if it's a bit of old damage from one of Grotty Groom's various concussions. The doctor said it could possibly have been caused (somehow) by Baggy's anaemia. She wanted Baggy's blood pressure checked (it was normal), and to make sure Baggy is not diabetic (blood tests tomorrow) - although even Freda Fretter is fairly sure that these will be okay, having had so many blood tests in the last year. So that's all good - hopefully.

The cataract on Baggy's left eye is 'so dense' that it needs immediate surgery, so Baggy is on the waiting list. 'How long will the wait be?'
'Around six months.'
'Oh marvellous,' said Baggy grinning.
'Oh, I thought you were going to say you needed it more urgently.'
'Nope, I'm dreading it, so the longer the wait the better!'

Pepper is delighted that he will remain the only pooch in the Baggy household and Calum's suggestion (before they knew Baggy was okay), that they should start to train up Pepper to be a guide dog, was moot. Just as well, as Furry Mama had visions of Baggy being hauled into the nearest river as Pepper decided he fancied a quick swim.........

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