Sunday, 23 June 2019

Stressful times.

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

Depression: Hmmm!
Anxiety: There - but not too bad.
Tears: Loads.
Laughs: Some.
Hormonal Hannah would like to apologise once again for Baggy's absence Baggees, but the truth is that things have been a little challenging of late! It hasn't really been Baggy's place to share, (or at least Freda Fretter has felt that it hasn't been), but in the spirit of the honesty that Creative Clara wishes to bring to Baggy's blogs, she will be a little clearer about what has been happening. It has been a terrible, sad and difficult year so far, for number one furry's family. This coming week Baggy and Calum will be attending their fourth family funeral in as many months. It will be Baggy's fifth funeral of the year.
It's unfortunately true that Baggy and number one furry, are of an age where they are inevitably going to lose more elderly relatives and friends, in the coming years. Hopefully, Baggy won't, as she is from a small family and her parents have already gone, and she's lost touch with her one aunt and cousins. Cal however is from a huge family,  which is very close-knit and supportive of each other, which is wonderful. But so many deaths so close together, would be hard for any family, especially when one funeral was for a young man who'd barely had a chance to start his life, and another for Cal's father. So, truthfully, it has been tough, especially on number one and his close family, and Baggy feels for him and them.
To add to the stress, Cal's diagnosis of diabetes, has been playing on both his and Freda Fretter's minds - largely down to the total lack of information that is provided once the diagnosis has been given. However, this worry was alleviated a little on Saturday, when Baggy and Cal attended the first half of a DESMOND course, that explains what diabetes actually is, and how to manage it. Freda Fretter had been worried about attending, as Furry Mama was so worried about the pooch. With no one to look after him, the plan was to leave him in Billy Bob Jalopy campervan, with the roof up, curtains closed, and side windows open. It stays really quite cool like that, even on a hot day; however, that doesn't mean that a) the pooch won't stress and bark and therefore that b) someone won't decide that he's too hot and smash a window to get him out! Freda was even more worried when they got to the venue because there was a massive festival going on, and people everywhere, and it was very hot. So, having taken the pooch for a run and a swim, they settled him in Billy Bob and headed to the course, with Furry Mama muttering that she would be leaving to check on him every thirty minutes. Cal suggested that they at least ask if Pepper could join the course. So Clever Bird did the whole, 'Would it be possible? - don't want to leave him in the car - you won't even know he's there - he's a rescue - he can't be left - I need him' - thing; and it worked! He could! And he did! And he was an angel! At least now Baggy is relaxed about taking him to the next session next Saturday.
On Friday, Baggy had to go to Ipswich hospital for her pre-operation assessment for her cataract surgery. Again, Cal had to take time off work to take Baggy, and to look after Pepper! While Baggy was in hospital for three hours, having stingy-drops stuck in her eyes once again, Cal took Pepper for a walk around Orwell park. It sounds as if the surgery will be in about six weeks time. Frankly, Baggy is terrified! How she is going to stay still for thirty minutes, whilst they cut open her eye, is anyone's guess. She was offered a general anaesthetic, as it was pretty obvious to the surgeon, that Hormonal Hannah was panicking, but she clearly didn't think that Baggy should take that option. Baggy said, 'I'll be fine.' Yeah right! The surgeon didn't believe her either Baggees!
'Speak to your GP and get some Diazepam.'
'Can't you give me a sedative, like they did for my gastroscopy?'
Clever Bird has no idea why not, but there it is. She called her GP's surgery as soon as she left the hospital to ask for some Diazepam, only to be told that she already had some! And yep, she does! So that's cool. Let's hope it's strong!!
There has been the odd lovely bit! Baggy's sister paid a flying visit a couple of weeks ago, which was great. They all headed to Southwold then decided to get the ferry over to Walberswick. Amazingly, the dogs happily hopped in!

Debby also brought some gorgeous little plants as a gift, so she, Gloria Gardener and Cal, planted them!
Last weekend, Baggy, Cal and the pooch supported their village, at the annual classic car show.

And of course, there's been lots of beach therapy!

Baggy will attempt not to vanish for so long again Baggees, but truthfully, Hormonal Hannah cannot promise that! So, for now, lots of love.....

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