Walking along the beach, observing two well-dressed, middle-aged women, walking and talking, as their dogs trot on in front of them. One stops, and does a massive poo (a dog Baggees, not a woman - you are daft!). Furry Mama watches, waiting for one of the women to dig out a poo-bag and pick it up. She continues to watch as, without stopping, the taller woman kicks a bit of sand over the poo, as she carries on walking and talking.
- Furry Mama was furious.
- Hormonal Hannah was too scared to say anything.
- Baggy was too squeamish to pick up another dog's poo.
- Clever Bird wondered how big a 'sin' it actually was, considering that the tide would shortly wash it away from the almost deserted beach, and it was one less plastic bag going into landfill.
Listening to a hoot-off in the garden last night, between three different owls; Big Ears and Barny were extremely tuneful.
- Furry Mama felt really sorry for Screech, whose name is highly appropriate - but presumably Mrs Screechy liked it.
- Freda Fretter worried about Bracket kat, who was out there in the garden with them.
- Gloria Gardener rejoiced that she has such a little bit of paradise to look after.
Feeling pretty ghastly from whatever illness nobbled Baggy earlier in the week.
- Clever Bird was just happy that it was only temporary.
- Psychic Ploppo said a little prayer for all of her friends who have been fighting much more serious illnesses.
Observing the devastation and mayhem that a certain bored furry pooch, artistically created when Furry Mama couldn't get out earlier in the week.
- The Domestic Goddess decided that it wasn't her main priority.
- Furry Mama decided that the pooch had every right - it is Pepper's bed after all.
- Freda Fretter wondered what number one furry would make of it when he got home from his pristine lorry.
- Clever Bird decided that it just looked like extra Christmas decorations... Let it snow...
Munching a rather nice (if rather fattening) bacon, brie and cranberry panini this morning, looking across the sea back to Southwold.
- Baggy counted her Blessings.
- Freda Fretter worried that the brie might yet fight back.
- Furry Mama thought how cute the pooch looked in his new drying coat, after his swim in the sea.
- Grotty Groom wished that it was a bit warmer, so that Baggy would take her to see her Boys.
- Creative Clara took photos.
Thinking, that all things considered, life is good...
Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!
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