Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Animal therapy

Maybe it's because it gets dark so early at this time of year, but Baggy seems to be permanently tired. The pooch still needs to get out though, so Furry Mama wrapped Baggy up and headed to the beach.

Yesterday it was overcast and raining, so Baggy wore loads of layers to keep warm. Today it was blue skies and sunshine, so she ditched a couple of the layers. Clever Bird has realised belatedly that it would probably be a better plan to check the weather forecast, rather than looking out of the window! Yesterday was mild, and Baggy was boiling hot, giving Hormonal Hannah extra back-to-back hot flushes; today on the other hand was seriously chilly - despite appearances, and Baggy was cold. Clever Bird has reminded Furry Mama that it is December, and that clear skies at this time of year generally means that it is cold!

Not that Pepper cared, he still had a swim to cool himself down. Furry Mama walked the length of the beach, while Creative Clara picked up sea glass, and what seems to be a tiny piece of amber, in between picking up the pooch's ball.

Baggy had her cappuccino, while the pooch gave her the 'evils', to make her get a move on and get back onto the beach. By the time they'd walked back to the pier where Billy Bob Jalopy campervan was parked, the melancholy that seems to be overwhelming Hormonal Hannah had lifted, so Baggy decided to take Grotty Groom to see her Boy.

As Baggy drove to the yard, Pepper curled up and went to sleep, and Baggy started talking to herself. Now she does this a great deal Baggees. Clever Bird thinks that it's because she spends way too much time on her own, but it's also a way of rehearsing conversations. Naturally this concerns the pooch rather a lot, so he instantly woke, and tilted his head while he stared at Furry Mama. 

'Sorry Peps. I'm just talking to myself.'
'Dats wot I thorts mum, but iss not normal.'
'I'm trying to calm myself.'
'Iz my job. See I puts my head on your leg. 'S'okay now.'
'Thanks baby. Go back to sleep.'

It's every time that Baggy drives to see the horses: she starts to get anxious, her heart rate increases, she gets hot and panicky and feels physically sick. It's irrational and annoying and it prevents Grotty Groom from going, but Clever Bird prevented Baggy from taking the turning to go home and carried on to the yard.

She didn't stay there for long. Just long enough to groom Wesley and put some plaits in his mane, and to give him and Joey some treats. But at least she went, because as she has done for the past week, she was tempted not to, even though she adores the lad.

Grotty really does want to get that routine of going daily started, even though Hormonal Hannah still has a massive mental block over it. But she needs to get on with it, because the cold weather is demonstrating that Baggy is not getting any younger! The arthritis in her knees becomes more apparent in the cold, so if Grotty plans on riding again, she needs to do so sooner rather than later. Life is far too short to prevaricate...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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