Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Magical moments.

Hey Baggees, apologies for vanishing, but for once it's for a positive reason! Since starting her new healthy-living programme, most of the gang have been very active and there hasn't been much time for Creative Clara to blog! This is week three of the plan, and it's not just about what you eat; it's also about exercise and positive thinking amongst other things. So the gang have been upping their game.

For starters Furry Mama has pretty much doubled the length of Pepper Pooch's walks, much to his delight.

Last week Baggy met one of her closest friends at the wonderful Snape Maltings. That day the pooch got two walks, one before lunch with Furry Mama, then a slightly longer one after lunch with Furry Mama and his Aunty Susan. 

That night, Baggy's new pedometer app. on her phone announced that she had broken her record! She added the app. three weeks ago, with a starting target of 5,000 steps a day. She was doing around 4,000 to 5,000. She's since around 7,000.  But that day her app. announced that she had done over 12,000 steps. Baggy was delighted, if somewhat dubious about it. As she lay in bed attempting to get rid of her pal, Insomnia, that night, she remembered a conversation she'd had with the waitress in the pub, where they had lunch.

'Urrrm, why exactly am I vibrating?'
The waitress laughed, before replying, 'It's the pumps in the cellar.'
'Oh, right. You mean beer pumps?'
'Yep. There's so many of them that they vibrate the floor.'
'You're not kidding,' said Baggy, as the bench that she was sitting on gently 'thrummed', causing her whole body to vibrate.

And Clever Bird suspected, made her phone that was sitting on the bench think that Baggy was doing a quick sprint around the pub!

Furry Mama's almost daily routine now, is to walk from Southwold pier to the harbour wall and back, which is around 6,000 steps. Although it has to be said, 6,000 quite tiring steps, as it's on soft sand and gravel. But boy is it beautiful, especially with the stunning winter days that Suffolk has been having.

Hormonal Hannah is still having a little influence, particularly over Grotty Groom, but even she has been seeing her Boys. In fact, as Wesley and Joey needed a second clip, as their coats have been growing like topsy, a couple of weekends ago, Calum clipped Joey. Number one furry is pretty good with the clippers, whereas Freda Fretter makes Grotty nervous.

Considering that the last time Grotty or Cal clipped the horses was probably about seven years ago, Freda was worried. Joey wasn't, as, a) he's a chilled out Irish Draught and b) he was professionally clipped by the yard manager a couple of months ago. In fact Joey loved getting all the itchy fur off him, as Cal followed Pauline's original lines. Grotty had a little go on Joey's side to remind herself how to do it!

On the Monday, Grotty headed to the yard, intending to clip Wesley. Now Baggees, bear in mind that this was only the third clip that Grotty had ever attempted! And truthfully, she'd never done a whole one, as Calum always took over, as she really wasn't that good! But the new (vaguely) confident Grotty did it!

Nope, Grotty will not be turning professional! But she did her best, and loved it! The chilled Wessles helped no end - he literally didn't move his feet for the whole hour-plus, that it took Grotty. In fact at one point he fell asleep.

Today, Grotty planned on starting getting the lad back into work - yes, again - I know, she keeps trying. When she got to the yard, she grabbed his grooming kit, a lunge whip and line, his bridle, and Baggy's hat and gloves, before heading to his stable. It was a little after lunchtime, and this is what greeted Grotty...

'Awww, Bless you. Are you having a postprandial nap Wessles?'
'No ideas moms, I is juss havin' a lie down after my lunch.'
'It's okay baby, don't get up!'
'Oh, thanx. I stays here then.'

'Wot you doin mom?'
'I'm just trying to get a selfie of us.'

'Oh, yes I sees - I helps!'
'That isn't really helping Wessles.'
'Rightho, I is going back to sleeps then.'

'Awww, you're so cute. I'm guessing you don't want to do any work.'

'Maybe I'll just lie down with you for a while then.'

Grotty then spent a very special, magical fifteen minutes, lying on the straw in Wesley's stable, with her back on the wall, while her horse slept next to her.

Even when she decided to get up and leave him, he carried on laying down, then stretched out and nodded back off!

The Domestic Goddess has also been carrying on with the cooking malarkey! And now, if Calum comes home unexpectedly and asks, 'What's for tea?' as he usually does. He no longer gets the standard response of, 'No idea as there's nothing in the house. Maybe go to the chippy on the way past.' Now The Goddess has choices!!!

And, she's lost 9lbs so far!

Meanwhile, she now has so many seeds, nuts, lentils and other ingredients, she needed somewhere to put them, so she gave Creative Clara a project.

And this afternoon's plan (well, what little is left of it)...

Creative Clara will be making some more jars and starting a slight rewrite of her novel, with a view to getting it published.

The Domestic Goddess will be rustling up lemony pork chops for Cal and Baggy's supper.

Baggy will be starting the first session of the anaerobic exercises that she now has to add to her routine.

And Furry Mama will be bathing the pooch...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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