Saturday, 21 March 2020

Coronavirus - Clever Bird is having a rethink

In the few days since Creative Clara's last blog, the world has changed once more as Covid-19 spreads exponentially around the UK. Clever Bird is not in the least bit surprised by its rapid spread, as it's very clear that people just aren't 'getting it'. Furry Mama and Pepper Pooch's favourite beach at Southwold, is as busy as a summer's day, as the kids are now on indefinite holiday, the second-homers, (apparently 60% of the town) have all arrived from London and other cities, to 'sit it out', and people are booking holiday cottages there as if there is nothing going on. And they're not 'sitting it out', they're out-and-about shopping and socialising. And it's not just Suffolk towns, it's any pretty tourist location that's being landed on.

Clever Bird decided on Friday, that once Baggy had waved her sister off home to her beautiful, extremely popular, tourist village in rural Kent, she would probably not be venturing to the beach again (even at the crack of dawn). She realised that, irrationally or otherwise, Hormonal Hannah's anxiety shot up each time that Furry Mama readied to head off, so Friday was possibly her last visit for some time. And no Baggees, it wasn't busy, but this was before the schools, cafes, restaurants, pubs etc all closed, who knows what it will be like next week?

As Baggy is probably on the high risk list, she knows she needs to keep her distance from folk, but there is another reason as well. In Clara's last blog she mentioned that Furry Mama was taking Bracket kat and Pepper Pooch to the vets. Bracket will be needing some teeth cleaning done, whenever that will be possible, but the shock was Pepper's teeth! He's only 3, but apparently his obsessive tennis ball chasing is totally wearing away his teeth! Who knew? Certainly not Furry Mama! As when they're on the beach, Furry Mama throws the ball, and Pepper catches it for the entire hour that they're walking, this is not good.

It's also not good that he jumps and spins so much apparently, as it could cause early arthritis. So, both Thursday and Friday's walks were without a ball! Considering how obsessed the lad is, he surprisingly quickly stopped jumping on Furry Mama to get a ball, and started being a dog! But for him currently, beach equals ball chasing.

On Friday afternoon Creative Clara had to pop into Halesworth to post a Realuv parcel off to the United States. The little post office is inside a hardware/general store on the high street. Baggy and the pooch headed into the fairly quiet shop. There was one person queuing for two open positions. Freda Fretter noted the total lack of distance between the customers and the staff; the lack of sanitiser or any other precautions. Clara stood six feet behind the only person in the queue; a woman brushed past her and stood directly behind the first person in the queue!! Baggy stepped back. But what's the point? She'd already pushed the button on the car park machine (with her hand inside a poo bag), then got the ticket out by lifting the plastic slidey-bit (having forgotten the poo bag). Paid for some superglue with the pushy-button thing, which wasn't sanitised. Opened the shop door with the handle etc etc etc.

So that's it now, Baggy is staying put! Furry Mama is walking the Pooch from the house. Fortunately, Baggy has this on her doorstep.

Unfortunately, the Pooch loves it.

But as he's allergic to it - going in is not ideal!

However, as Freda Fretter is showering him after each excursion to get any virus off him, hopefully he won't react. Furry Mama is loving watching him being a proper dog, instead of totally obsessing about his ball, but he is getting a bit stir crazy.

With considerable reluctance, Clever Bird has also decided that Grotty Groom should no longer visit her Boys. She knows that they are safe, and extremely well cared for, so has no need to worry about them, but she'll miss them terribly. 

But unless more people start appreciating the seriousness of this virus, it won't be long before everyone is locked down totally. This was part of the conversation that Baggy had with a very elderly neighbour who was walking her dog this morning, having already said that she couldn't understand why people weren't getting the message:

"How are you coping with all this?"
"Okay, all things considered."
"That's good! I guess you're pretty much at home are you?"
"Oh no, I would go mad if I didn't see people. We're going into town in a minute. And we were going out to lunch on Sunday, but we can't now. But our granddaughter is coming over instead.'

Meanwhile, number one furry carries on as normal (even though he is on the high risk list). He's doing his absolute best to social distance himself while working, but it's not easy. But as an HGV driver, he needs to keep working while ever he can to deliver around the country. Whether he will still be out there in the thick of it in a few more days, is anybody's guess - if this ridiculous panic buying continues, the next thing that will run out is fuel!

Clever Bird is wondering what he will return with from the supermarket shop he has just headed off to do...

Stay in, and stay safe Baggees...

PS. Number one furry is back, with, not a lot! The short list, that The Domestic Goddess sent him out with for her new healthy diet's week plan was not fulfillable - zero fresh meat!

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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