Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Meanwhile, back in Baggy land.

Clever Bird is trying really hard to stop Freda Fretter from worrying about the coronavirus, but frankly, she kind of agrees with Freda that she should be worried! The truth is that it's pretty awful; especially now that it has officially been declared a pandemic. All this ridiculous nonsense about it being "no worse than the flu", is not helping matters. It is considerably worse than the flu by all accounts, and Freda is praying that Baggy and her friends and family don't catch it. But meanwhile life carries on as usual in Baggy's little world, and at least she's keeping most of the gang so busy, that they can't dwell on it too much.

Baggy's now in week 9 of her 12-week programme to change her habits from bad to good. It's really working well. So far she's lost 20lbs in weight; but actually that's not the best of it. Obviously losing weight is great for Baggy's health, and is already helping considerably with her arthritis; but it's the change to her mental health that's so amazing. Clever Bird can't actually recall when Hormonal Hannah has felt so good; it means that the gang can function fully, without her stopping them from thriving.

Grotty Groom is loving life! She seems to have figured out long-reining; well almost, and Wesley is enjoying it.

Especially when she is walking behind him, Grotty can see the muscles working in his back and buttocks, so he's definitely feeling better for it.

As it's quite hard work for him, mentally and physically, Grotty long-reins him one day, then just wanders about with him (like a giant dog on a lead) the next day, so that he can stretch and chill out.

Although seconds after taking the above photo today, the big dope jumped about a foot in the air and nearly squashed Baggy. Just proving the point, as to why currently Grotty is riding Joey, and not Wesley!

Furry Mama continues to take her pooch to the beach every day.

Not that there's a huge amount of the beach left at the harbour end of Southwold and as for the poor dunes, well, they are now a cliff!

But the pooch loves it, to the point where he now gets so over-excited on the way there in the campervan, that he whimpers and shakes! But Furry Mama and Calum love the little chap and would do anything for him, after the rough start that he had, so as he feels the cold...

...yesterday, Furry Mama gave him his newest jumper, handmade to measure for him.

He loves it really Baggees!

Meanwhile, number one furry's shed is coming along nicely.

Last weekend Calum and Steve got a fair bit of the external cladding on.

Baggy is probably more excited about it getting finished than Calum is! The sooner it's done, the sooner The Domestic Goddess will be able to get her house back in order!

It's great when things start to come together...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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