Monday, 25 June 2018

Things never seem to go smoothly.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 8.
Tears: No.

Clever Bird realised that it was time to pull Hormonal Hannah's head out of the sand, and get Freda Fretter to phone Ipswich Hospital to try and find out what is happening. Clever Bird was sure that she'd have an appointment letter today. After all, there's only a week left to do the 'urgent' endoscopy. To take Freda's mind off it, Furry Mama took Pepper Pooch to Southwold, as the post doesn't arrive until lunch time and she hoped it would be there when they got home.

The pooch is turning into a cheeky little monkey! As soon as he realises that Furry Mama is about to end their play session, he casually heads off, just far enough away for her not to be able to get him. But Clever Bird has worked out that Furry Mama needs to 'act casual' about these antics, and after a couple of 'moments', he'll wait for her to go over and put his lead on. Today though it went a little pear-shaped when a totally out of control Labrador kept trying to play with Pepper. The pooch has no idea/interest in playing with other dogs, but this (quite large) dog wouldn't leave him alone. The owner made no attempt whatsoever to control it. In the end Pepper was getting stressed, so Furry Mama told the Labrador to go away. It did. Straight after another dog.

As they were leaving the beach, Baggy stopped to put her shoes back on. Pepper, who was on his lead, sat to wait for her. From nowhere, the Labrador appeared once more. It started to jump on top of Pepper, who couldn't get away from it. He panicked and ran round Baggy who was still bent over, trying to do her shoes up, wrapping her in his lead, at which point the dog jumped on Baggy too. Pepper started snarling at it and baring his teeth, so the Labrador tried to bite him. Furry Mama shouted at Pepper. Yes Baggees, unfair and unreasonable, but she was panicking that Pepper was going to get hurt. Clever Bird realised that she was being an idiot, and instead, Baggy put her arms around Pepper to protect him from the other dog, while she told it to go away. It took a lunge at her, and then ran off. Now Baggees, Furry Mama needs to explain that it seemed to be a lovely, quite young, dog, it wasn't being aggressive, just totally over exuberant! Once it had gone, Pepper was instantly not bothered, and sniffing the dune grass. But Baggy couldn't believe her eyes, when she realised that its owner was sitting on a sand dune, a mere thirty yards behind her, watching everything that had happened. But she hadn't even attempted to call it back! The Labrador meanwhile had disappeared off towards the harbour, away from its owner - presumably to try to play with another dog. Furry Mama felt sorry for it, as at some point it will probably get hurt by another dog. It's true that there's no such thing as a bad dog - just bad owners.

There was no letter! Freda Fretter phoned the doctors' surgery. The good news - her chest x-ray was clear - lungs good, heart good. There was also a letter from the consultant. 'Yes, it says you're being referred for an urgent gastroscopy'.
'Oh, right. I thought it was an endoscopy, so why don't I have an appointment?'
'I don't know. You should have. I suggest you phone the consultant's secretary.'

Freda phoned. Voice mail. She left a message. Then she called the appointments team. They told her to call the endoscopy department. They told her, 'Yes, there is a letter here. It says you are to have a gastroscopy and a colectomy. You should have had a copy.'
'Well I haven't had anything. So does that mean I have an appointment?'
'Unfortunately not, no. We haven't received a referral. I suggest you call the consultant's secretary.'

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Let's hope Baggy gets a call tomorrow. Meanwhile, Freda Fretter needs to try to get her head around the fact that she isn't just going to have a camera from the bottom up (as it were, excuse the pun), but also from the top down.............

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