Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: Nope.
After the fun-and-games of Baggy's endoscopic examinations on Saturday, she was struggling a little on Sunday. She had hardly any energy, and although Furry Mama had promised Pepper Pooch a trip to the beach, Clever Bird wasn't convinced it was a good plan. Baggy decided to go back to bed for an extra snooze, then to see how she felt. Answer: rough! When she went back downstairs number one furry was making a picnic to take to the beach. Hormonal Hannah instantly felt bad.
'Urmmm, I'm not sure I'm really up to going out, but I know we promised Peps; I don't suppose that you'd go on your own, would you?'
Quick think. 'Okay, I'll have a shower and a cup of tea, and see how I feel,' said Baggy, knowing that she would still feel rough, but Calum's look of disappointment was too much for her, and after all he'd made sarnies - so off to Southwold beach they went.
Calum drove, while Baggy lay on the back seat of Billy Bob Jalopy and snoozed. By the time they unloaded, she was feeling a lot better. The beach was heaving with people as it was such a hot day, but Calum, Baggy and the pooch had a lovely time. They even swam! All three of them.
Monday was a grey day for Hormonal Hannah, but not for Suffolk, where it was once again boiling hot, (well, the English version of boiling hot that is, all you exotic Baggees in Peru, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, and other such wonderful places, and properly hot European countries may disagree, but to be fair it has been in the thirties-Celsius!); so Furry Mama took Pepper Pooch to Dunwich, so that he could stay cool in the sea. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Baggy, whose headache got progressively worse as she walked along the shoreline. By the time they got home, Baggy had to go straight to bed with the beginnings of a migraine. It was no better after four hours sleep, and as she is no longer allowed to take aspirin or ibuprofen for it, there's not a lot she can do about it. Baggy called number one furry.
'If I were you I'd have a cup of tea; a proper one, not decaf.'
Apparently (according to Calum), Baggy agreed to 'obey' in her wedding vows, so a proper cuppa was consumed. After a short while Clever Bird realised that Baggy's headache was receding, so she had another cuppa. The headache went! Perhaps Baggy's total ban on caffeine was not such a great plan after all; Bit-at-a-time-Betty has stepped in and is getting The Domestic Goddess top alternate between normal and decaf. tea bags. By the time that number one furry got home last night, (which was lovely for Baggy and the pooch), Baggy was totally clear-headed, so she guesses it's worth 'obeying' occasionally.
Cal left for work at 5.30am this morning and just as Baggy was nodding back off to sleep, she was 'Hinged'. This involves Hinge cat head-butting Furry Mama in the face, licking her nose, dribbling on her while purring more loudly than the alarm clock! This is so annoying, yet entertaining at the same time, that it made Hormonal Hannah laugh out loud, which woke the pooch fully up. Furry Mama realised that Baggy was now vaguely awake, and that Hormonal Hannah had a spring in her step. Life needs to be enjoyed and lived, so Baggy got up - at 6.15am! Yep Baggees, you read that correctly! Furry Mama and the pooch had had a two hour ball-throwing walk, and were sitting down for a cappuccino at Southwold beach café by 9.30am!
And all you exotic Baggees, if you've ever wondered why the British constantly talk about the weather; this was the beach yesterday:
and this was it today:
Having worn the pooch out, Baggy took Grotty Groom to see her Boys for the first time in weeks. Clever Bird can't work out why Hannah prevents Grotty from going to the yard. There have been some practical reasons lately, as obviously Baggy has been a bit off with her anaemia, and the horses are living out in their paddocks, and most importantly, Furry Mama can't leave the pooch in Billy Bob in this weather and he's been terrified when she's taken him into the stables; but still Grotty could easily have gone really. Clever Bird knows that it's fine not to go though, because Pauline, the lovely yard manager, looks after both Boys like the princes that they are! So anyway, better late than never.
Clever Bird had a little panic on the way there, when she realised that Freda Fretter couldn't actually think which way it was to the yard! Seriously, what has happened to Hormonal Hannah's memory? It gets worse! Grotty walked into the stable block and said, 'Hello Wessles,' to the wrong horse! To be fair, the horse (who is a new arrival) was in the stable that Wesley was in last time Grotty was there, and there is a distinct similarity between them, but really?!? It was only when Wessles whickered to her, that she realised her mistake!
Not Wessles!

See, not that big a mistake. Well okay yes Baggees, Big mistake, especially as Wesley is way bigger than this pony! A slightly red-faced Grotty spent an hour making it up to him, with a special pamper session. He was a little off with her for having deserted him, but he soon forgave her and snuggled Baggy as Grotty groomed him, while presenting the bits that required extra scratching!
Considering that the Boys have effectively been enjoying an early retirement, they are both looking superb!
The really good news for Grotty was that Pepper Pooch seems to have almost overcome his fear of the horses!
He waited patiently and quietly while Grotty was in the stables! Yay!!
Creative Clara attempted a selfie of Grotty and Wessles with his newly put in plaits, but Baggy's arm isn't long enough!
So she went out of the stable and decided to take a normal photo instead:
Ah well.
Having spent another half-hour pampering Joey, Grotty went to get them some treats before she left. She gave Wesley one, then stepped sideways to give Joey one, just as the pooch decided to step in front of Baggy - who went flying! Splat!!!! onto the concrete. The pooch immediately jumped on her and licked Furry Mama's face - helpful - not! Once Freda Fretter had concluded that Baggy had hurt only her pride, Creative Clara decided to show Baggy's new view;
The Boys just wondered what the heck she was doing on the floor. (If there's CCTV in the stable block on that bit, it might be worth a giggle Pauline!)
Baggy is one lucky person - lovely day - lovely life - lovely family and friends.........
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