Depression: Currently absent.
Anxiety: Fairly low.
Tears: Always.
Laughs: Lots.
Hormonal Hannah is seriously struggling with some of the awful things that are going on in the world; and Clever Bird doesn't understand humans and their belief that they have some superior right to live on this planet, that allows them to treat it as they wish! Or why humans are more important than any other living thing. Or why some humans go even further and believe that they are more important than other humans. In fact, there are days when Baggy wishes that she wasn't a human, because she's ashamed to be one. But all anyone can do is their little bit to make the human race a species to be proud of, and if everyone at least tried a little bit harder, perhaps the world might improve a tiny bit.
It's a sad fact, that for people who suffer from depression and/or anxiety, they can find themselves worrying about things that they can do nothing about. Occasionally, they will find themselves worrying about something that they can't even identify. When it all gets too much, things start to slide. In Hormonal Hannah's case, she stops sleeping well and starts to have back-to-back nightmares. She has dreams about the state of the world, and things rapidly begin to feel overwhelming. Then the gang start struggling: Grotty Groom stays away from her horses; the house becomes more-and-more of a mess as The Domestic Goddess can't cope; Creative Clara stops blogging or working on her shop; Gloria Gardener can't face being outside - vicious circle! Because it then does become actually overwhelming!!
This happened recently, and though The Domestic Goddess has managed to reclaim the house and it is once again looking decent, Gloria Gardener had every reason to be overwhelmed! The combination of sunshine and rain has seen massive growth in the garden, and being semi-wild anyway, it had become way too much for Gloria to cope with. This resulted in her not even trying to cope - so it got worse! It's wonderful to have such a wild space, and the wildlife love it, but it's not easy to look after and Baggy is not as fit as she once was. Indeed for weeks she hasn't been able to kneel down because of her arthritis in her knees. When Baggy's sister was staying a few weekends ago, she suggested getting someone in to blitz it, to give Gloria a chance. Number one furry obviously noted Gloria's distress because he arranged for their friend Kaj, who is a professional garden 'blitzer' to come and take charge! In just a day, today, he has taken down dead branches, dangerous branches, and simply annoying branches, and the difference is amazing. Of course, Creative Clara forgot to take 'before' photos but these are the 'after' ones:
Just as a little indication of how much blitzing was achieved, these are some of the cut-off bits!
Which means that now the bugs and wildlife have a natural fence to hang out in. All the work gave Gloria the confidence and motivation to get on with weeding the patio, and she managed half of it. Now she feels reinvigorated to carry on, and Kaj will be back next week to do more.
Hormonal Hannah is delighted that the gang are taking control once more, and happy that Baggy is doing her best to be a decent human being - she might be very wary of bugs and spiders, but she's making them a happy place to live......
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