Saturday, 4 April 2020

Staying busy.

It's amazing what is just on your doorstep when you have the time to look. As non-essential journeys are banned, Furry Mama is taking the Pooch out directly from their home. Freda Fretter is avoiding the lovely walks that are directly behind the house though, as it's like Piccadilly Circus out there at present, with every child, parent and dog walker descending there. Instead she's been walking around the local footpaths across fields, by the local River Blyth, and through woodlands; walks that Clever Bird didn't even know existed a few weeks ago.

Better yet, number one furry has been accompanying Furry Mama and Pepper, albeit, today he gave it a miss, as three or four mile walks, when he's not used to them is taking its toll a little. 

Pepper Pooch on the other hand is finally becoming a proper dog! Since Furry Mama was told that she needed to wean him off ball chasing, in order to protect his teeth, he has started exploring, running and sniffing, like a real dog, rather than being constantly obsessed about when his next ball throw would take place.

It's great to see, and is easier on Baggy, who isn't bending down every few minutes to pick up a soggy, dirty tennis ball!

Observant Baggees will note that Creative Clara's photos of the Pooch, are no longer of a dog, dipped down, ears back, poised, waiting to pounce on a ball; but are of a dog being a dog.

The only slight downside is that every time the Boy spots some water, he's straight into it. So, much to his frustration because he's allergic to river weeds, as soon as they get home again, Furry Mama gives him a shower. At least he actually fits into the shower cubicle, unlike Minty Mutt who was far too big to get into it. And he dries off really fast in his snuggly coat...

... helped a lot by the gorgeous spring weather that Suffolk is having.

Meanwhile, Calum has bought Gloria Gardener a few new plants whilst on his forages for vegetables and cat food, at the village's farm shop. Gloria has had fun planting new baskets, and putting a few new primulas in her little rock garden.

Today, he even managed to find a few herbs for The Domestic Goddess! It's so expensive buying fresh herbs all the time, so Gloria is going to do her best to provide them for her.

Furry Mama hasn't forgotten the featheries either! Today Calum replaced the totally rotten bird table, (that was reattached to a giant pole as a temporary measure)...

... and decided to reuse the copper chimney flue, that used to be in the old house. Okay Baggees, it's a tad eccentric, but it's the perfect stable base, for the wonderful bird table that they treated themselves to last autumn.


It's also quite practical, as Bracket kat will not be able to climb it, and with any luck, neither will Cyril-the-squirrel.

Baggy loves it!

All-in-all, the patio area, which has been totally unusable for the last six months, thanks to the junk that was on it, is once more a pleasure to sit in.

Busy, busy, busy is definitely the way forward for Baggy during this lockdown...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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