Friday, 16 June 2017

Creative Clara has been creating.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 1.
Tears: No.
Overall day: 😤

Furry Mama once again needed to take number one furry back over to the Doctor's and the Dentist's today, so Baggy was up four hours earlier than she has been for the last few days. As she also had Minty Mutt with her, Baggy sat outside a little village cafe with him, while Cal went to see the Doctor. He looked very serious when he came out and Freda Fretter started to panic a bit. "Okay?"
"Yes, but I can't go back to work yet".
"That's not good. Are you not any better?"
"Yes much, but......."
Long story short, he is much better, but because he still has the remains of the chest infection he's not getting enough oxygen (SAT's are now 98%), so whenever he does anything slightly energetic, he gets breathless and dizzy. Not well enough to go back to work for at least another week. Various instructions to follow to try and clear it up properly. Psychic Ploppo has Baggy's fingers crossed.

Next stop the holiday cottage! Lawns to cut (again). Hedges to cut (again). Pots to water (again). Just as well Gloria really is a happy gardener these days. Suffolk friends to show round - they loved it and were very complimentary which was lovely to hear, after all The Domestic Goddess and Cal's efforts. It was praise indeed, as the friends are Victoria Connelly (the best-selling author) and her husband Roy Connelly, the landscape artist, two incredibly talented, creative people. Victoria was taking photos to put on her Instagram, Creative Clara was chuffed.


If you want to see the latest photos and blurb baggees, just visit and look for Blossom Cottage in Assington, Suffolk. 😀

Gardens tidied, Baggy took Calum to his dental appointment - another very painful hour long appointment. While she waited Baggy took Creative Clara off to the shops. Reed diffuser bought for the holiday cottage. Little cards and stickers bought for Clara to make "Welcome" cards for the guests to go in their arrival pressies. Cappuccino and a cheese scone munched by Hormonal Hannah, before Baggy went and collected (a once again whoozy from the anesthetic he's allergic to) Calum!

He sat in the holiday cottage letting the painkillers work while The Domestic Goddess put all Gloria Gardener's things away. Once Cal was no longer in agony, Baggy drove them all home. As the puddy tats had been out all day, they were more than happy to see them home. While The Goddess took the washing off the line, Hinge went and curled up with Minty who had collapsed in an exhausted heap in the shade of the table. He wasn't the only thing that had collapsed! Gloria's pot plants were looking more than a little wilted - yet more watering ensued.........

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