Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 6.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): All kinds of lovely stuff!!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Clever Bird has decided that Baggy has enough to worry about, without adding her weight to the list!
You know that beautiful swan Baggees? No, you do! The one that swims serenely along looking relaxed and effortless, but actually its little legs are going thirteen to the dozen against the current, and its panicking inside that it may be swept backwards. See - told you, you knew the one! Well, currently that is how Baggy is feeling. Everything looks okay on the outside - well, kinda, anyway, if you just ignore the fact that she is once again overweight - but inside is nothing except panicky flapping about, just trying to keep the momentum going, but feeling as though she could be swept away into some dark void at any moment.
It doesn't help that as per usual in the life of Baggy, just when things were beginning to go swimmingly, along came a backwards current, full of detritus, to make her feel as though she might drown again at any moment. It's not a pleasant sensation, as you can appreciate Baggees. Clever Bird took some of the pressure off, by not making Creative Clara blog every day, but still, everything is seeming a bit much. It started with Cal and Baggy getting their finances re-sorted by taking out a bigger loan, the first payment being due this week. All good. Until the DVLA has so far had Cal's licence for nearly two months, meaning that he has been unable to work for the last three weeks, since it 'expired'. At which point his car decided to need a service, and two new tyres. Then he needed new glasses. Then Clara had to get insurance for her market trading. And so on, and more things going wrong, and stress upon stress.
Poor number one furry has been getting more and more stressed about being mucked about, so Freda Fretter has been walking on eggshells, as his sense of humour has disappeared to be replaced by a very, very short fuse! Clever Bird decided to see if she could help, and phoned the DVLA. She got somewhere - just needed to get Cal's doctor to say that he was okay to drive, and he could drive under 'Section 88' . No problem. Yeah right. Calum phoned the doctor's surgery to explain. Freda Fretter watched him going red in the face, then white as he repeated himself. Freda knew he was about to explode, so Clever Bird took over the call. Within two minutes Hormonal Hannah had totally lost her temper with the receptionist who would not listen to a word Baggy was saying. 'Would you please just listen to what I'm saying? We just need the doctor to confirm that he's fit enough to drive, until you can fit him in for his medical'.
'Well the doctor can't do the medical until he has the paperwork.'
'Please listen! He just needs an urgent appointment so that the doctor can confirm he's okay to drive.'
'But the doctor can't do that without the paperwork.'
'Okay - seriously, I now know why my husband looked as though he was going to explode! You are not listening! Forget the medical for now, the doctor just needs to confirm that Cal can drive.'
'But he can't do that without the paperwork.'
Baggy took a very deep breath, then said, 'So if you were to walk into your doctor now and ask them if you were fit to drive, would they be able to tell you?'
'Well, no I wouldn't think so, not without a medical questionnaire to fill in.'
Baggy was left speechless. She didn't dare to respond. She let the silence hang. Eventually, the receptionist said, 'Well perhaps I should speak to someone and call you back.' Seriously - you think? thought Clever Bird.
'Okay, that would be great, thank you so much for your help,' she said, trying not to say what she really thought. Meanwhile, Baggy was now as wound up as Calum, but they needed to go into town, so Furry Mama went too and they took the pooch to the park. They did lots of ball chasing. Baggy needed the loo, so she left Pepper with Cal and went in to the one in the park. While she was in there, she heard Cal yelling Pepper's name, sounding cross. Now what? She opened the loo door, to find Pepper sitting outside it waiting for Furry Mama. She didn't know what to think.
They went back out to the park, where there was no sign of Cal. It turned out that the pooch had chased his ball, picked it up and hurtled off to find his Furry Mama. As he couldn't see her, he shot back under the viaduct to the car park, through the cars, to Fred Volvo. Then back to the park, straight across a really busy road!! Then into the loo. Poor Cal was frantic as Minty Mutt nearly got killed when he was run over by a car, shortly after he and Baggy got together, for which Cal blamed himself. So stress levels went off the Richter scale for Cal and Baggy and the pooch. When they got home, Baggy decided to go and take Hormonal Hannah for a lie down (out of the way), while Calum listened to music to try to calm down. The pooch joined her. Cal woke them a while later, to say that his Doctor had called, he didn't understand why on earth Cal needed another medical and of course he was okay to drive in the meantime. He arranged the medical for next week (not the end of May which was the earliest that the receptionist had said was available). Thank goodness.
Stress levels have now returned to somewhere approaching normal and Cal can get back to work on Saturday. But seriously, why don't people listen Baggees? And why do receptionists feel that they have the right to be as difficult and obstructive as possible? But at least it's almost sorted now, and because Cal is feeling much more his normal cheery self, today for the first time in weeks, he asked Grotty Groom if she wanted to see her Boy. Well as she's been desperate to see him, Baggy grabbed Cal and the pooch and took them to the yard before Cal could change his mind. It was so lovely to see the Boys, especially as it was the first time this year that Grotty has seen them out in their paddocks. As always Wessles was delighted to see Grotty, Bless him. There aren't many horses who'll stand loose in a field full of lovely fresh spring grass and let you groom them, but both Wesley and Joey do just that, and very contentedly too. Grotty happily got Baggy totally covered in white hair, while Wesley let her know which bit to do next.
Hannah is hopeful that the list of things going wrong might just stop now - well she tries to stay optimistic Baggees.........
your writing is getting better - I wanted to know what happened next - good sign xxx