Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: Course not.
Baggy feels very privileged to live so close to the coast. The pooch, who nine months ago when he arrived in Furry Mama and Calum's life, was terrified of puddles, now adores the sea. As Hormonal Hannah also always feels better for a dose of ozone, they visit one of the local beaches, three or four times a week. The closest and favourite, is the gorgeous Southwold. Each time they go the tide seems to have gone a little further out and come a little further in! It's rather worrying how the sand dunes are being eroded so quickly.
The whole coastline is changing constantly. When Baggy was a very little Baggy, Southwold beach was pretty much sand-free! It was just back-to-back pebbles once you'd walked over the sand dunes. Now for the most part, it is a beautiful sandy beach.
But on some days, when the sea has been rough, it seems to revert to pebbles. The pooch doesn't care either way, as long as he can hurtle after his ball.
On Saturday, Baggy, along with another 1.9billion or so, watched the Royal Wedding. Then feeling suitably emotional, Gloria Gardener spent a happy hour watering her domain before Creative Clara did her final preparations for her vintage stall yesterday at Glemham Hall.
Clara was so over-excited/nervous, that she ended up getting Baggy up at 3.30am! They set off at 5.30 and were there for 6.00. Clara was finally ready for business at 9.15!! Fifteen minutes late! Worn out! But happy!
It was a fun day, with absolutely stunning weather, but Billy Bob Jalopy stayed cool, so the perfectly behaved pooch, (well almost apart from one little, 'Where has Mama gone, I need to find her?' incident when he snook out from the camper, without Calum noticing, and followed Baggy's scent to the portaloos. When Baggy got back she asked Cal where the pooch was. 'He's in the van'. 'Urrrrm, nope, he's not!' Furry Mama found him happily eating grass under a magnificent Oak tree), could snooze in the cool of the van.
Considering that Clever Bird realised that a lot of the show visitors believed that it was a boot fair and weren't prepared to pay more than 'a couple of pounds' for anything, even if it was solid gold, Clara had a very profitable day!
And Cal and Baggy even caught up with friends they hadn't seen for ages, so it was all lovely! They finally got home at gone seven!
Baggy was proud of Clara, so she decided to take a selfie of her fat self, to commemorate the day. Then Clever Bird pointed out that she did not need to try to take a selfie, as a certain husband was present.
Ah well, she'll never make a model, but at least she's happy.
As Pepper was such a good boy yesterday, Furry Mama was up early to take him to Southwold this morning. The tide was further out than she's ever seen it before!
Pepper was in Heaven.
And Baggy was thanking God for such a beautiful day. The pooch decided on a few paddles. Clara attempted a selfie.
Of course, as usual it didn't work because in the sun it's impossible to see the screen, and the plan was to have the pooch in the sea behind her - as she suspected might be the case, he's not there. So Clever Bird decided to make sure Clara got some good photos of Pepper in the sea - because worryingly to Freda Fretter, he started going out so far, that he was out of his depth and having to swim! So as it's a question of 'point-and-pray', Clever Bird took lots of photos of him swimming and here are some of them:
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Clever Bird thought that she'd removed selfie-mode, but when you can't see, you can't see! So Baggees, you'll just have to take Furry Mama's word for it that Pepper was actually swimming and try not to be too disturbed by the 'warts and all' photos of Baggy.........
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