Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 7.
Tears: Uh-huh.

The weather in Suffolk is all over the place at present! Yesterday was glorious, this morning Baggy was woken at 4.30am by Pepper Pooch doing a good impersonation of The Hound of the Baskervilles, followed by a scaredy-woofing. Having got Furry Mama out of bed presuming that he wanted to go out, the pooch then proceeded to watch Baggy head downstairs without him. By the time, she'd frozen her not-so-little-bits off, opening the back door to let him out (praying that the neighbours weren't having a middle of the night wander, as she was starkers), called him, given up and gone back upstairs, Pepper was sprawled out across Baggy's bed, snoring! 

As Baggy attempted to find enough space to get back into her bed, the bedroom blind crashed against the window, as a gust of wind caught it. The pooch woke up and howled and Clever Bird realised what the problem was - not that she got back out of bed to shut the window, as Baggy had managed to get herself more than an inch of bed, and she didn't want to lose it again! At 5.00am she was woken once more by Hinge cat wanting a cuddle. Who needs sleep anyway?

When Furry Mama took the pooch for his morning hurtle, it was seriously chilly. Mind you, Pepper was soon too hot and decided to cool off in the stinky slurry muck heap. Then he dropped his ball in the nettles and refused to collect it, or to walk the three feet through the stingy-things back to his Mama. Baggy attempted to flatten the nettles enough to get the ball, but had to walk through them to reach it. Lovely stung feet and ankles had Hormonal Hannah getting annoyed, but Pepper still wouldn't get his ball. Adding a stung hand to the mix, Baggy grabbed the ball. 'Okay, I've got it. Are you coming now?'
The pooch just stared at her, panting. 'Come on, there's a good lad.' Nothing. Finally Psychic Ploppo started listening and got the message.
'Oh, right. Do you want to go on your lead?' Pepper stepped forward and Furry Mama put him on his lead, getting a few more stings for her trouble. He hopped happily through the nettles and they set off once more.

Clever Bird has finally realised that much as the pooch adores his ball and gets totally focussed on it, he might see it as his 'work' to chase it, and feel that he can't stop, until Furry Mama stops throwing it for him. His solution: don't let Furry Mama have the ball! Okay, she has learnt that lesson.

After a hose-down in the garden, Pepper slept, while Creative Clara polished and priced jewellery for her vintage fair on Sunday for an hour, before heading off to be a 'lady that lunches'. Baggy was meeting Pauline, who runs the livery yard and looks after Grotty Groom's horses. She invited Baggy to lunch when Grotty popped to the yard on Friday (having not been for the previous couple of weeks again). Hormonal Hannah almost made Baggy cancel at the last minute, but Clever Bird's glad that she didn't, because Hannah's stupid irrational anxiety was just that - totally irrational. They had a lovely lunch and chat at the local pub, while Pepper slept on the floor next to Baggy. Baggy had intended going straight home after lunch, but as Pauline went back to work, Grotty really wanted to ignore Hannah's returned anxiety, and go and see her Boys. Pepper was up for it as he knew he could charge around the school - so off they headed.

Yes Baggees, ridiculous Hannah had Grotty in tears for neglecting her beautiful lad once more. Grotty groomed both horses and soon Hannah was feeling relaxed and happy, and Grotty was promising Wesley that she'd see him more often. She knows that he's happy. He's living out and enjoying life, but she also knows that he does miss her. So......

Joey misses her as well, and vies for her attention!

Subtle, he's not!

Meanwhile, Wesley waits patiently for his Mum.

Baggy is one lucky old bag! Lovely day..........

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