Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: Nah.
That was probably the busiest bank holiday weekend that Baggy has ever had! And the weather - well! Usually it is tradition in England for the weather to be atrocious for bank holidays, so that the Brits can moan their little heads off about it, not this time, it was glorious. Number one furry was off on Friday, having worked the previous six days, so they headed over to Southwold, where the sun was out, but the offshore wind was rather biting!
Not that Pepper cares, as long as he has his ball to chase.
On Saturday the temperature soared up, and stayed there, although Creative Clara had Baggy and number one furry, inside for most of it as she had her little vintage stall out on Saturday and Sunday!
This required two 5.30am starts! But they were worth it, as they had two successful days and an angelically behaved pooch, who attracted customers.
Yesterday (Monday) was even hotter, so after a lie-in, and once Gloria Gardener had spent an age watering the whole garden, what did Clever Bird decide to get Baggy to do? Relax? Sunbathe? Nope, she had her reclaiming the garage - for possibly the twelfth time! It took hours. However, at least it's now possible to get into it! What's more, Creative Clara has reclaimed her gazebo for her next vintage fair at Glemham Hall on May 20th. Lady Eadwynn has uncovered the chest of eating bowls, mugs etc, for the Saxon show they'll be doing the following weekend at Kentwell Hall. And Baggy can now get to her bicycle.
Calum is back at work today, but surprisingly, so far this has not caused Hormonal Hannah to put Baggy into a black fug or a state of angst. Firstly, it's a short week, secondly, the weather is once again stunning, but most relevantly, Pepper Pooch has literally changed Baggy's life! Of course, Furry Mama had the adorable Minty Mutt when her depression was first diagnosed,
she adored the boy and still misses him terribly, but he was old and poorly with dementia and arthritis and so would happily sleep until Hormonal Hannah could face the day, which was frequently almost lunchtime. With hindsight, Clever Bird also realises that Furry Mama was really worried about the lad for a long time before he actually died, and Hannah would get in a terrible state, just thinking about losing him. As you regular Baggees know, it hit Baggy hard when he went so suddenly in the end, but the pooch came along and helped her not disappear into a black hole.
But now it's so much more than that - Pepper won't sleep in, he whimpers to get Furry Mama up! So today, instead of having a lie-in, they were on Southwold beach before the crowds and the heat!
Clara searched for pebble treasures, as Furry Mama threw the ball, Baggy enjoyed the sun, and Hannah enjoyed the peace. They spent two hours on the beach, and were home again before ten!
Now Clara has finished her blog, Gloria Gardener is going to see whether Baggy can cope with the heat - anything to give The Domestic Goddess an excuse not to do the housework.........
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