Friday, 11 January 2019

Out of death, comes something positive.

Many people will not understand just how badly losing a pet can make a person feel - they're not human after all. The pets, Clever Bird meant, although perhaps that poor English is quite accurate! Maybe those people who do not understand, are not human either.

As far as Clever Bird and Furry Mama are concerned, all non-human animals have just as much right to a safe, happy and pleasant life, as any human animal does. Some animals don't have the opportunity to live a long life, those bred for meat for example, but they should still have the best time that they can, while they are living. Poor little Hinge cat didn't live as long as she might have, but Furry Mama realised this morning that she did definitely know that she was extremely loved. And she loved back in return. Baggy feels bad for the few times in recent months, when she gently jet-propelled Hinge from the bed at five in the morning! But Hinge's way of demonstrating her love for Furry Mama was to head-butt her in the face, purring her little head off, and if this didn't result in her receiving a stroke, she would then hook a claw up Baggy's nostril, or her top lip - hence the gentle 'removal.'
Not surprisingly, Hormonal Hannah is suffering particularly badly from Hinge's death, her depression is back, and she's not wanting to go to bed. This is as much about how badly Furry Mama is missing Hinge, as it is about not wanting to cope with the nightmares that are currently hounding her. She's now missing having a cut nostril in the early hours. Yes Baggees, Baggy is a blubbering mess at present. Hinge wasn't just a very special little person, she was also half of Baggy's wedding present from Calum. She has been in the Baggy family for eight-and-a-half years. She was a huge presence, every single day, and she is sorely missed.
When Minty Mutt had to be put to sleep, almost as suddenly as Hinge did, Hannah's depression was equally quick to reappear. But on that occasion, the arrival of the wonderful Pepper Pooch into their lives, took some of the severe angst away. This time, not only is Bracket a constant reminder  that Hinge has left, but the poor pussy cat, and Pepper Pooch, are also obviously missing her.
Yet, perhaps some little bit of good has come out of the shock of losing Hinge; it gave Clever Bird a large kick in the posterior! She realised that any of her furries, could depart at any moment, and she needed to enjoy every second that she had with them, and make their lives as happy as she can. Grotty Groom has been spurred into action, in spite of Hannah's ridiculous anxiety, to spend a lot more time with her Boys. Wesley is her angel, this year he will be eighteen, and he has been with Grotty since he was three! He, like she, is now getting old, and it occurred to Clever Bird just how ghastly and guilty she would feel if something were to happen to him, or to Joey, and she hadn't bothered to go and see them for weeks. So today, after taking the pooch for a lovely run around on the beach, Grotty spent a very happy (and soothing, therapeutic hour), grooming her hairy angel. And Hannah permitting, Grotty is going to get back into the routine, of regular, (hopefully daily), time being spent with her Boys.
The thought of writing a blog, full of lovely photos of a deceased horse, makes Baggy feel sick. So each time that Grotty grooms her Boys, Psychic Ploppo will also be sending virtual happy-strokes to Minty Mutt and the mighty Hinge cat..............

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Extremely Dark Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 6. 

Tears: Buckets full.

Baggy213 - argghh.

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