Monday, 29 April 2019


Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!
Depression: No sign.
Anxiety: Manageable.
Tears: Warranted.
Laughs: Some.

Baggy is very content with her lot; she is a fortunate woman, and grateful for it. Yes, of course Hormonal Hannah has a few issues, and truthfully, Baggy is falling apart at the seams a little bit, but she gets to live a lovely life! She is particularly happy at this time of year, when this part of the world is happily refreshing itself - everything in nature is fresh and blooming; the greens are vibrant and varied and the wild flowers are vying for pride of place. Gloria Gardener particularly loves seeing the leaves popping out on the trees and Creative Clara loves seeing their shapes against the blue skies of spring time. It is good for the soul. Gloria is fairly selective in her weeding, partly because she doesn't recognise a weed from a 'proper' plant, but also because Clever Bird thinks that every plant deserves a chance, until it lets her down. The list of let-downs currently includes brambles, ivy and nettles, but these 'weeds' are beautiful, and the bees love them!


Being out in the garden helps Hormonal Hannah's mental health no end, as does being back at the beach. Pepper Pooch has been given the all clear from his leg issues this afternoon, so that's a major relief and means that he can swim and hurtle about once again, to his heart's content. The vet is of the same opinion as Psychic Ploppo, which is that the leg gnawing initially started as a result of him picking up on Baggy's stress, and the obvious pain from her arthritic knee. 'He is very connected to your emotions, and a very sensitive little dog,' was the vet's summation of the situation. That he is, Bless him.

Although it's still annoying grumpy-bird rather, that dogs are not allowed on the beach at Southwold from April to October, as you can see how packed it was at lunchtime today Baggees!

Furry Mama would have loved to carry on along this bit of beach to the pier today, but she could not. So this was as far as they went, before heading to the café for a drink each. Being a good Furry Mama, she put the pooch on his lead as they headed to the promenade, and Freda Fretter started saying a silent prayer to the gods that the pooch would not need a poo, because she suddenly realised that having swapped jackets, she had no poo-bags on her. As she got a few yards from the café with Pepper doing a perfect heel for once, a chap on the promenade called over to her, 'Your dog is doing his business!'
Oh heck! Baggy swung round to see a neat pile of yuck on the sand.
'And another one.'
Oh flipping heck! Baggy turned again, and sure enough......
'Thank you.'
'He doesn't want to make it easy for you does he?'
No, he blooming doesn't. Freda Fretter made a big drama of searching her handbag for the non-existent poo bags, as by now the entire café clientele were staring at her. Clever Bird was pretty sure that she had seen some poo-bags for sale there previously, so Furry Mama dropped the pooch's lead and his ball next to the first pile of yuck, and told him to wait there, while she headed to the café. Leaving the pooch to mark the spot, as it were. With relief Furry Mama picked up a box of poo-bags.
'Sorry, I'll pay for these when I order my coffee,' said an embarrassed Furry Mama, as she pulled a bag out of the box, and headed back to the patiently-waiting dog.

It's a bit like shopping bags Baggees, Baggy must have fifty or more 'bags-for-life', yet does she have them with her when she needs them? Doggy poo-bags on the other hand, are in every one of Baggy's handbags and pockets, to the point where The Domestic Goddess frequently washes them in the washing machine, but not today!

When they got home, Creative Clara remembered to take some photos of her super hero's (aka number one furry's) efforts so far on his parking area.

There's a little way to go as yet, but Baggy is proud of his efforts!

Meanwhile, Gloria's planting efforts are looking a little lost, but at least they're all still alive! And the grass (and weeds) are re-establishing themselves nicely.

With a bit more time, and a lot more effort, Gloria hopes to get it looking more like her neighbouring bit of garden, that is already well established.

Plants may need to be purchased on Sunday at the Wootten's Plant Fair at Wenhaston, which Creative Clara will be attending with some vintage stock and her beach-bits creations........

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