Tuesday, 23 April 2019


Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!
Depression: No sign.
Anxiety: Slightly less ridiculous than it was.
Tears: Warranted.
Laughs: Yep.

Furry Mama is happy to announce that despite still having no clue why the pooch started to chew his own leg, it is now almost recovered from the biopsies. Freda Fretter is mightily relieved, but also concerned that there is still something wrong that hasn't been discovered yet. The good news is that Furry Mama was told this morning, that Pepper can have the cone-of-shame off and go back to a normal existence, i.e. hurtling about off the lead (something he hasn't done for a month!), going in the sea, and generally getting on with life - as long as he doesn't start to gnaw his leg again. Phew! So, the moment that they left the vets' surgery this morning, they headed to Southwold. Clever Bird decided to park near the pier, as she figured that there was another few days before they were banned from the beach for the summer season. The pooch had a ball - literally!

Hormonal Hannah was as happy to be back at the beach, as Pepper was; it has been nearly a month since they were there after all. They walked (well Baggy hobbled with her arthritic knee and hip, and the pooch hurtled after his ball), to the café. Baggy ordered a cappuccino while the pooch, who was totally exhausted and begging Furry Mama to be back on his lead, had a drink of water. As she sat admiring the view, Clever Bird noticed a sign - big fat red arrow pointing in the direction that Furry Mama and Pepper had just walked from: 'NO DOGS ON THE BEACH.' Oooops! What? Well that explained the dirty looks then. But it's not May yet and dogs are allowed on that bit of beach from October to May. Weird. Baggy decided that she had better read the sign before she set off again. Freda was embarrassed and annoyed to see that this year dogs have been banned for an extra month - they are now not allowed on the beach in April. It's a shame, as Baggy loves Southwold, but Furry Mama got a bit cross when she read the sign which is headed, 'Help keep Southwold a dog friendly town.' She got even more cross when some locals told her that the council are thinking of banning dogs from the promenade all year round! Let's hope they don't for the dogs' sakes, and for the town's sake. Seriously, when did dogs become so frowned upon?

Anyway, less of the grumpy-old-Baggy syndrome. Hannah and the pooch had a lovely time. It's so nice for him to be able to run free again (even if it wasn't "allowed"). It's also much easier for Baggy. Calum, the pooch and Furry Mama had a lovely walk around Dunwich Heath at the weekend, but lead walks are never easy with a young dog!

But Calum deserved a break, having spent most of the weekend getting on with his parking space. Only Baggy's husband would think that lifting sleepers on his own, on the hottest day of the year so far was a good plan! But Baggy is amazingly proud of his efforts!

He then took Gloria Gardener to buy a bunch of new plants for the area. Creative Clara will attempt to remember to take proper photos next time, but she did remember to take one of how lovely the house is looking!

This evening, Freda Fretter has put the cone-of-shame back on the pooch after a phone call from the vet saying that she wants to be certain that Pepper doesn't make his leg bad again! As he has been licking it each time Furry Mama's back is turned, she's decided to leave it on him whilst they're in the house - that will be more leg bruises for Baggy then. But Bless the gorgeous little pooch; Furry Mama got the cone back out, and what did the pooch do? Run away with his tail between his legs? Nope. Shake his head so that Furry Mama couldn't get the cone on. Nope. He wagged his tail and shoved his head into it! Furry Mama adores that little dog who is currently fast asleep on the little sofa, with the cone resting on the arm......

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