Tuesday, 16 April 2019

All negative!

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

Depression: Fine.
Anxiety: Seriously awful.
Tears: Naturally, including some happy ones.
Laughs: Yay!

Furry Mama has been following the rules. She took Pepper Pooch back to the vet on Monday for a check on his leg. She had not removed the cone-of-shame since it was put on on Saturday, so he had done no further damage. However, the bandage was starting to rub the wounds, so it was taken off. Freda Fretter tries hard not to look too closely at the wounds, as they make Baggy go a little weird, but actually, they are minor and healing well. He may have to wear the cone for a further two weeks though, which is going to send him and Hormonal Hannah doolally unless Clever Bird can come up with a plan.

The good news is that so far all of the tests including the biopsies, have come back as normal. So that would be £1,000 to have no clue why the pooch started to gnaw his own leg. Well, aside from Psychic Ploppo's theory that is Baggees. She has realised that the gnawing started at pretty much the same time as Baggy's knee swelled up, and she could not get up from the sofa without groaning in pain. Swelling, and pain, she now knows to have been caused by arthritis. Baggy and the pooch do seem to be weirdly in tune, so crazy as it obviously sounds, Ploppo does wonder about the coincidence. It is after all a fact, that Grotty Groom and Wesley have always managed to reflect each other's illnesses and pains!

Being unable to go to the beach, or even for long walks, is proving to be a big challenge for Pepper, and equally for Hormonal Hannah. Grotty is also disappointed - having made the decision to try to start riding again, she hasn't even seen her horses for two weeks, because she cannot leave the pooch in the campervan with his cone on, in case he breaks his neck! So life has been on hold a bit for some of the gang. But at least The Domestic Goddess has been on a roll! It's a bit sad she knows, but she's very excited about her new vacuum cleaner - purchased a) because Baggy had to crawl around on her knees to get the old one to even vaguely do its job and b) because Freda Fretter wonders whether dust mites were part of the pooch's problems. But its made life much easier, and because the carpets for once are looking clean, she carried on and did lots of reorganising as well!

On Thursday Baggy sees her doctor, and the pooch sees his, so things may become a little clearer then. In the meantime, Baggy's collection of bruises is growing, as she is whacked on the legs every few minutes by Pepper's cone.......

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