Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: No.
Overall day: 😠
It was pretty inevitable that Hormonal Hannah would be feeling awful today, after all Baggy has had number one furry at home for the last four weeks, and even though it wasn't exactly an easy four weeks, as he's been so poorly, it was amazing to see him every day. It's hard knowing that now Baggy won't see Calum again until Friday. So guess what she did baggees? Yep, she stayed in bed, finally emerging at noon. She did have a second reason: Baggy feels rubbish. Her throat has been cactus raw for days and her glands in her neck are doing a jolly good impersonation of large grapes, so Clever Bird decided she needed a rest. Actually she had a third reason as well: Baggy had a very restless night! She was up about five times and having really vivid dreams, courtesy of Psychic Ploppo. The main one of which had Clever Bird phoning up her solicitor and letting rip about how she really feels about her total inadequacy! So she only got up at noon because three furries were not impressed that they hadn't been fed or let out, otherwise she could have gone straight back to sleep. But Baggy had to face the day, so first stop, get Furry Mama to take Minty for a walk. He was keen, even if Hannah was feeling sorry for herself.
But the guides about depression are right - getting yourself out and about in the fresh air, definitely does help. Half-an-hour of sunshine and lovely countryside later, Hannah felt strong enough to get Clever Bird to make the phone call she'd dreamt about. As she picked the phone up Baggy's heart rate increased. "Hello, this is Penny S-S, I'd like to leave a message for XX".
"Yes of course."
"Before I start, I need to point out that XX told me that she didn't receive the last message that I left".
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry about that, I'll make sure that she receives it."
"I know you will, believe me I'm not having a go at you".
"Would you like to speak to XX?"
"No thank you, I'm way too annoyed".
"I'm sorry. What is your message?"
"Well, this is the fourth or fifth time that I have been sent legally binding contracts to sign that are incorrect!"
"Would you ask her to spot her deliberate mistake, and send me out the correct ones please?"
"Yes of course. I'm terribly sorry".
"Thank you. Good bye".
Clever Bird hung up and realised that Baggy's hands were shaking like gale-blown leaves! Within five minutes she had a splitting headache and was struggling to breathe properly. More fresh air needed. Furry Mama decided to go back out with Minty Mutt. She went and sat in the garden with him. The first thing he did was lie down in the water that had accumulated on the rubber door mat. She decided to get his pool back out as his foot is pretty much healed.
Watching his antics with the hose, while Baggy got absolutely soaked, calmed her down again. She finally managed to feel proud of Clever Bird for reclaiming Baggy's inner-Grrrr! Sometimes facing fears (avoiding confrontation of any kind, being one of Baggy's biggest), just has to be done. And having been done, gives you a sense of strength and well-being. The alternative, which sorely tempted Freda Fretter, was to not call the solicitor for a few days (Ostrich-style), so as to avoid either a) the confrontation, or worse still, and much more likely b) to have calmed down enough to be all nice and apologetic, as if it was Clever Bird's fault that she was having to point out yet again that the solicitor is totally useless at her job (and getting paid thousands of pounds for it anyway!!)
Day one of being without Calum is almost over, and although comfort food has been eaten, not one tear has been shed. Way to go Baggy...........
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