Sunday, 24 December 2017

Christmas Eve antics.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggetts): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 4.
Tears: Yes.
Overall day: Lovely.

Christmas Eve. And what a stunning one it was in Suffolk. Sun and clear skies. Not exactly Christamssy. Furry Mama decided the pooch needed a treat. A trip to the seaside. Number one furry fancied Southwold, so off they headed. It was colder on the coast, but still relatively mild. Perfect weather for ball chasing. There were quite a few folk with the same idea, but because Pepper Pooch is so ball-oriented it didn't matter. He'll happily say "Hello", to other pooches, but isn't really bothered, he'd rather stay with his Mum and Dad and his ball. Unlike Minty Mutt who would have been off to play with every other dog and totally ignored any request to return. After some major hurtling they decided to head to the pier for a coffee and a cheese scone.

Cheese scone shared with the pooch, they went for a walk through the town. Well, more of a tow, to be accurate. The pooch was clearly revived by his scone, so they went back down onto the beach once again.

At one point, two beautiful German Shepherds were on the beach next to Furry Mama, charging in and out of the sea. She couldn't help shedding a few tears. She misses the mutt. He would have loved the pooch.

Home again, Calum and The Domestic Goddess decided to spruce up Billy Bob Jalopy campervan, ready for their Boxing Day trip to Kent to stay with Baggy's sister. Furry Mama couldn't quite decide what to do with the pooch. In the end they left him in the garden. He was fine. In fact he let himself back into the sitting room and settled down on the sofa!

Calum pressure-hosed the outside of Billy Bob, while The Goddess sorted out the inside. Tidying, cleaning windows, polishing the dashboard, vacuuming up sand and Baggy and dog hairs (mainly Minty Mutt's), all while drinking white wine - well it is Christmas Eve baggetts after all. Billy Bob now looks lovely. The Domestic Goddess left a fan heater blowing hot air for a couple of hours to try to dry him out a little.

Now Clara is blogging, the pooch is sleeping and Calum is doing his traditional Christmas Eve task of making sausage rolls, which are getting consumed almost as quickly as they come out of the oven! Happy Christmas Eve baggetts......................

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