Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Weird.
When Furry Mama and Calum rescued Pepper Pooch, they promised that they'd take him back and let the rescue centre know how he was getting on. Clever Bird decided that today would be that day. She wrote out a Christmas card to take. Regular baggetts will know that she did try to go back a little while ago, but Hormonal Hannah got Baggy totally lost and she failed completely to find the place. Today she went via Bungay not Beccles; she knows that route! Much to Freda Fretter's surprise, the pooch dragged Furry Mama in to the centre. Freda was really concerned that Pepper might think that he was being dumped there once again; clearly he didn't. They were there for 10.30, only to be told the centre doesn't open until 11.00. Furry Mama decided to take the pooch for a walk. He promptly dragged Furry Mama back out to Billy Bob Jalopy campervan. Ball thrower collected, they set off.
It was a tad soggy, to say the least. But Baggy had waterproof boots on and the pooch didn't care.
He hurtled about having a lovely time.
Of course he found the need to lay down in every puddle as usual.
Then he vanished. Yes baggetts he'd smelt a little pond.
He came out looking decidedly soggy and pleased with himself. They headed back to the rescue centre, still ball throwing and chasing.
They were almost back, when the pooch disappeared again. This time he'd found a large pond.
Well at least he hadn't drowned. By the time they got to the rescue centre, he was a soaked, smelly, sorry-looking mongrel. Baggy went via Billy Bob to put the ball in and get the Christmas card. The card was nowhere to be seen. Hormonal Hannah couldn't remember whether she'd put it in Billy Bob or left it in Baggy's pocket and it had fallen out. Stupid woman. The owner was very happy to see Pepper nonetheless. In fact she gave him a couple of presents: a bandana for rescue dogs and a rope ball. As thay chatted, an old couple arrived to view the dogs. Pepper started to frantically wag his tail. It occurred to Freda Fretter that maybe he thought he was going back to his old owners. Hormonal Hannah got rather upset. Especially as she'd had a horrible dream a few nights earlier, that the rescue centre had taken him back and given him to someone else. Furry Mama gave him a big cuddle and tried not to blub. The pooch wagged his tail and licked her face. "Let's get out of here Pepps. Time to get home. You know I'd never leave you don't you?"
"Not sure Mum, I hope you won't".
"I really won't".
"Let me in Billy Bob please".
"In you hop".
"Phew! We really are going home then?"
Back at home the pooch started to wag his tail and rub himself on all the furniture, throwing himself on his back and woofing. Then he charged upstairs to see the cats. He licked each of them as they rubbed their little furry heads on him. Two things occurred to Clever Bird. Firstly he does seem to love his new home and secondly, maybe all the scratching, licking and grooming himself is not an allergy after all; maybe he thinks he's a cat..............
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