Monday, 12 February 2018

Tough Love!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 3.
Tears: Nope.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Sweets and Christmas Pudding - Yum!

Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Ah well.
Overall days: Lovely.

So Baggees, Hormonal Hannah couldn't cope with not letting Creative Clara have a therapeutic blog for a whole week. It was too long! And Clara loves to write - new plan: blogs will appear randomly when Baggy is in the right mood.

Baggy enjoyed her very short weekend with number one furry - that would be the one day, just the Sunday, as he worked on Saturday, Bless him. It was a lovely dry day, so after repairing the Man Shed roof - in strong winds - they all headed off to get some bits. It was a proper town - big, busy and noisy, but the pooch took it all in his stride like a little superpooch. As a reward they went to a beach for a ball throw and a pebble hunt.

Cal was up at 4.00am this morning to go to work. Pepper got Furry Mama up at 6.30am to let him out. Hannah had her Monday blues, so Baggy went back to bed, shutting the bedroom door so that the pooch was in and the cats were out. Pepper went back to sleep in his crate. Hinge woke Furry Mama up head-butting her face. Bracket arrived a few minutes later and joined in, having battered Hinge out of the way. It took Furry Mama a while to recognise a) that it was 9.30am and b) that there was absolutely no sign of the pooch. Clever Bird then registered that if the cats were in the bedroom, the door was obviously not shut properly. On the landing were Baggy's slippers sitting as a pair; still in one piece. Baggy smiled, then Freda Fretter realised that if the slippers had survived unscathed and there was still no sign of the pooch, there was likely to be trouble somewhere. CORRECT!

Yep, Baggees, it's the Labrador half of him! To be fair, it must be awful only being allowed to eat the feather food, when he was used to sausages, cheese scones, duck chewies etc, he's probably bored and hungry. He ate the cat poo out of the litter tray on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuck! This would be annoying regardless, but with so many allergies, this behaviour could make him seriously ill. Furry Mama was cross and firm for once. Clever Bird realises that she is going to have to be cruel, to be kind, because it could save his life.

Furry Mama's dog training teacher is all, 'Positive, reward. Positive, reward.' No negatives. No telling offs. Sometimes, especially when it's a matter of safety, needs must. Some of you may remember the spray-can that Furry Mama bought, that makes a loud 'Hissing' noise. She used it once to stop Pepper attacking the vacuum cleaner, and traumatised him, so with the dog trainer's words ringing in her ears, she threw it away. Yes quite Baggees, the woman who keeps absolutely everything, 'Just in case', threw it away. But the fact of the matter is, that he has never attacked the vacuum cleaner since! So Furry Mama is going to have to buy another one, to scare him away from the bin and to stop him jumping up onto the surface that contains the hob!!! Burnt paws would not be a good look. Because that was the other thing Freda Fretter realised this morning. The Domestic Goddess had left the roasting tin from yesterday's pork on the hob, full of water and washing up liquid, to soak. And yes, the pooch had drunk about half of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh.

Today is stunning weather in little Suffolk. Freezing cold, but sunny, so Gloria Gardener decided that Hannah needed to be outdoors, and she would start Operation Village Open Gardens! The village opens its gardens sometime in June, so Gloria has a while, but her garden is seriously challenging, so Bit-at-a-time-Betty is going to get her to do little bits at a time. Starting today with the patio.

Number one: The water pump - Before.

During - horrible weird weed that grows everywhere removed.

During - green algae washed off the old pebbles.

Yes, it did occur to Clever Bird that perhaps this was not entirely normal behaviour. Sitting on the floor with a bowl of water and a nail brush, individually scrubbing pebbles, but she enjoyed it, and Baggy just can't help being a perfectionist.

During - add new 'special' pebbles and shells to make it look like a beach.

Next Number two - the raised bed. Before.


Strategically placed 'random' stones (lucky and special ones), to protect the little bulbs that are growing, and to dissuade the furries from using it as a toilet.

Baggy couldn't work out quite why she felt so cold. Clever Bird knew the answer, firstly it was literally freezing and secondly Baggy had soaking wet jeans and gardening gloves from scrubbing stones! And thirdly, she was out there for over four hours. But Hannah feels much better. Gardening therapy rocks..........

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