Monday, 17 September 2018

Feel the love.

Sometimes you have little light bulb moments that make you reconsider things. Clever Bird has had one of those today. Clever Bird knows just how fortunate Baggy is. She has a wonderful life which she loves, and (ignoring current concerns), is in good health. Okay, well mentally she might be a bit dodgy, but then that also makes her who she is, so that's probably all to the good really. Hence the light bulb! If she's happy being a bit mental, as it were, why can't she also be happy about being a bit overweight? Yep, it would help if she lost some of the extra fat, especially as she's anaemic and struggling to breathe, that's just obvious really, but that whole 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' - very true! Number one furry thinks that Baggy's beautiful whatever size she is, it's Hormonal Hannah who has a problem with it. And that's really just because she was always naturally slim, until she hit thirty, then her weight started to yo-yo; generally linked to her mental health status.

2011 Feeling Fat
2014 Feeling okay (yet actually bigger)
 2015 And bigger still
2015 Got the belly for the dance
Oct 2015 Much slimmer thanks to Slimming World
a few days before Lawrence surgery
Nov 2015 Four days before surgery
July 2016 Feeling slim
August 2016 Yep

August 2017 Large once more
August 2018 Big bird is back!!
And today - Sunburnt face, shaggy eyebrows and all
(managed to hide the chins though)
Lots of yo-yoing, and even without Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst, Baggy is now the heaviest she's ever been. She's actually heavier than she was when she joined Slimming World, but the truth is that she'd rather enjoy life, including her food, so if she manages to slim down a bit, all good! But if she doesn't, so be it - there's enough to fret over in life, without worrying about how you look, so Clever Bird is letting Baggy embrace her Baggy Body status, and loving the compliments from complete strangers about her dungarees. She's decided that it's time for us all to truly love ourselves as we are, foibles and all, only then can we properly love everything else in our lives. So Baggy may be no oil painting, and she certainly hasn't figured out the art of a good selfie, but she's embracing herself as she is, shaggy eyebrows, red nose and cheeks, and all .......
 Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9. 

Tears: Amazingly not.

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