Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Hanging on by a thread!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 5. 

Tears: Nah.

Moments after publishing yesterday's blog Baggees, Baggy received a phone call from her doctors' surgery. This took Freda Fretter rather by surprise, a) because they never call with results and b) because of what those results were. So quick recap, or a catch up if you're a new Baggee!

October 2017: Baggy donated blood. Her haemoglobin level was the minimum level acceptable for donation: 125
January 2018: Baggy tried to donate blood. She was not able to as her level was too low: 116
April 2018: Baggy tried to donate blood again: She was turned away and told not to try again for at least a year: 111 She was also told to see her doctor urgently.
June 2018: Baggy finally (six weeks later!!), got her urgent appointment to see the doctor and had more blood tests done. Called by doctor for another urgent appointment: 108 She suspected bowel cancer.
June 2018: Blood tests for liver function, kidney function, some other function (Hormonal Hannah can't remember). Gastroscopy and colonoscopy performed. Non-bleeding ulcer fixed. Lesions noted. Polyp removed. Biopsies taken. Omeprazole prescribed for eight weeks: 106
July 2018: . Blood function tests all normal. Biopsies all clear; not bowel cancer.
August 7th 2018: Blood tests to make sure anaemia was improving.
August 16th 2018: Baggy phoned for her results. Was told to stop taking Sertraline immediately: 99
August 29th 2018: Repeat gastroscopy. Ulcer gone. Lesions gone. Biopsies taken.
August 30th 2018: Iron tablets started.
September 3rd 2018: Blood tests to make sure iron tablets were helping. Urine test to check for bladder cancer.
September 4th 2018: Call from surgery with blood test results. Need to have more tests done in four weeks time: 92

So that Baggees is where we're at! A healthy haemoglobin level for a woman is 130 and Baggy is now at 92. Now, call Clever Bird a worry-guts if you wish, however as her level has dropped by a further 7 units in two-and-a-half weeks, four weeks seems rather too long a wait to see where they are next time! What's more, Clever Bird knows that she's getting worse, because she's now struggling to even get up the stairs! Freda Fretter called the surgery today and explained her concerns - the receptionist agreed that four weeks seemed rather a long time under the circumstances! Clever Bird will be putting Baggy's big girl pants on, and calling to speak with a doctor tomorrow to get some proper, more urgent, action! 

In the meantime, Pepper Pooch is ensuring that Furry Mama at least takes him out, even if Baggy can barely put one foot in front of the other! As always, the sea air helped! Today was Dunwich in the rain:

And Creative Clara is distracting Baggy from her exhaustion by using her finds. Meet The Cat Man

and Baker Lady.

Thank you all so much for your support Baggees, it's helping Baggy through this latest health challenge........

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