After being totally relaxed, without a care in the world, or any pressure for the last three days, it was probably inevitable that Hormonal Hannah would be extra difficult today. It took Clever Bird an hour to persuade Baggy to get dressed, but even then, Furry Mama couldn't persuade Hannah to let Baggy out of the house. Furry Mama won another hour later, when Minty Mutt's appealing eyes melted her heart. Once out, Baggy decided that she would take Grotty Groom straight to see the horses when Minty was home again. Creative Clara side-tracked her on the way. She'd really hoped to have an e-mail to say that there was a spare space at the next vintage fair, but as she hadn't, she decided to visit the antique shop of the organiser. It was shut. Undeterred, she went and bought pricing tags and cards to develop her display.
When Grotty got to the yard, the sun was finally out. Grotty grabbed Wesley's grooming kit and some parsnips and headed to the paddocks. She also had a packet of the Polos that Baggy's sister had bought Grotty, in her pocket. The instant the Boys saw Grotty they both walked to the gate.
They had a couple of Polos each and went back to their grass-munching. Grotty grabbed her brushes and some rubber bands and started to groom Wesley. He let her, but was a little stand-offish. Psychic Ploppo was well aware that he was letting her know that he wasn't happy with her. "Where do you think you've been Mum? I haven't seen you for a week".
"So sorry I couldn't get over Wes, but I'm here now".
"Hmmmm. Well I'm eating. You could just scratch that bit there though. Oh and on my withers. And maybe my neck".
"Okay. I'll groom your mane too and put some plaits back in."
Munch, munch.
Grotty groomed his mane through and split his mane into sections, popping a band on each section ready for plaiting.
"You'll be cooler with plaits".
"Probably, but you're not doing them!" said Wesley, as he spun away from Baggy, showing his shiny bottom to Grotty.
"Come on Wessles, it won't take long."
"No. You deserted me". Wesley trotted off. Baggy followed. As soon as Grotty lifted her hand to do a plait, Wesley spun away and trotted even further away.
"Right, I get the message". Baggy retired to Grotty's grooming kit and sat on the box, leaning on the bottom rail of the paddock. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the horses were munching and all Baggy wanted to do was cry. Not because she was upset with Wesley - she wasn't. But because she agreed with him. She should have been over to see him. She should be riding him. Guilt. Worry. Disappointment. Patheticness.
Wesley wandered closer and closer. Then dropped his nose onto Baggy's knees. He sniffed and nibbled them with his lips. "Got any more Polos? And I'm sure I can smell parsnips, where are they?"
Grotty stroked his nose. While Freda Fretter wondered if Baggy was about to lose a knee cap. Wesley was after all cross with her. He instantly picked up on her anxiousness and left once more. A few minutes later the sequence was repeated. Clever Bird decided to get Grotty to do Wesley's stretches. It wasn't too successful, but she managed some of them. While his head was down, Grotty managed to put some peculiar bunches in his mane, as there was no way he was going to let her do the plaits. Parsnip demolished, he headed off once more.
Grotty gave up and went and had a coffee with the yard manager before heading home once more. Well, after she'd retraced her steps to Wesley's paddock and found Baggy's car key that she'd dropped by the fence when retrieving the parsnips that is! Baggy still felt low, so she had a long chat with number one furry, during which she glanced at the clock. How was it 3.30pm? Cal suggested that Gloria Gardener go out and burn all the remaining weeds and leaves from yesterday. Good plan. She popped out to do it and spent a happy-while getting kippered. Clever Bird couldn't quite believe that it was by then 5.30pm! But at least the painting efforts of yesterday were looking lovely in the evening sunshine........
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