Baggy's daily state!
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 4.
Tears: A few.
Pancakes (Yes/No): No!
Syns (Baggy is allowed 8-15): Oh well.
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): 12st 9lbs!
Overall day: 😳
It's not been the easiest of days! Baggy, Calum and Minty Mutt headed to the soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage for the third day in a row. This is how the floor looked first thing after Cal's efforts of yesterday.
Unfortunately, the "floating-floor" had floated a little over night, under the fridge area and the only way of fixing it was to take up all these pieces and start again. If Clever Bird thought that Cal's language was blue yesterday, she's not quite sure how to describe it today!! The floor kept fighting back. Freda Fretter and Minty Mutt made regular retreats to the front garden to get out of the way of flying tools and lino! But after a very hard day for all concerned, the floor lost the battle and is almost finished!
Just skirting to add and sealant to put around the edges, then The Domestic Goddess can repaint all the skirting boards (without getting paint on the floor!). Clever Bird is not sure who's the most pleased that it's almost done, Calum or Hormonal Hannah, who couldn't cope with the angst. Put it this way, Baggy's sister calls Calum "Bear", and today he wasn't so much a Teddy Bear as a very angry Grizzly one. But Furry Mama realised that it was partly because the poor love was in pain from crawling around the floor for two days; bruising his hands trying to fit the panels and slicing a chunk out of his thumb which required a plaster. Of course there are no plasters anywhere in the house, so electrical tape it was. When Furry Mama asked if it was a bad cut and did it need stitches? The response was "Even if it does it won't be ******* getting any". Hannah and Minty went back to the garden.
Meanwhile, in between avoiding flying objects, painting walls and vacuuming, Clever Bird decided to phone the council about getting a "change of use" for the cottage. She expected a, "Yes, of course, all you need to do is.....". But no, what she actually got was, "A planning officer will look at the history of your house and will call you back to discuss the situation". Hmmmmmm! Clever Bird told Freda Fretter not to panic and will now wait to see how long it takes to get a phone call. That would be about right though wouldn't it baggees? Do all the work, spending a fortune in the process, only to be told that they cannot change the cottage into a holiday business. Number one furry won't be the only one using a lot of Anglo Saxon words if that happens.......
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