Wednesday, 29 November 2017


Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Exciting.

Creative Clara had Baggy and Pepper in town before 9.00 this morning! She was so excited about setting up her first vintage "shop". Well it's just a little cabinet in a vintage shop but from little acorns and all that. Let's face it, her teeny-weeny Etsy shop Realuv has somehow found its way through the (literally) millions of other vintage sellers! In eighteen months it's had nearly sixty orders. So Clara's plan for the coming year is to try to expand her little vintage "acorn" into an Oak sapling of a business. She spent ages in the last couple of days choosing what stock to put in her cabinet, setting prices, writing out labels (and making them look cute), then packing it up safely to transport it. As Furry Mama had Pepper Pooch in tow Freda Fretter wasn't sure how setting up would pan out. They were so early, that she found a good parking space, but the shop wasn't open.

No worries, Furry Mama took the pooch for a walk around town - twice. Pepper dragged Furry Mama into the pet shop. So of course, she had to buy him something. Well he would actually benefit from a drying-fleece for after his baths, and when he's got soaked outdoors! And of course he needed a Christmas jumper and scarf! He will be modelling it on Saturday at the Halesworth Brocante. Then Baggy treated herself to a cappuccino; with a view of the vintage shop. As she waited for it, she saw the owner open the shop up. Carrying crates full of stock with a pooch in tow - a challenge! So Clever Bird asked the owner if he'd look after Pepper while Clara got her crates. He did! Pepper wasn't too sure about that plan, but survived. Freda Fretter wasn't sure what the pooch would do while she set up.

Behave like a superstar and sleep on Baggy's jumper, is what. Bless him. It took Clara well over an hour, but she was rather pleased with her efforts.


Now she'll wait to see what happens.

The Domestic Goddess rustled up a bowl of soup for lunch to give Baggy a bit of energy to get Furry Mama to Pepper's first intermediate training class. She wasn't sure what to expect. Arriving for the wrong class hadn't been on her list, but she did. Hormonal Hannah couldn't remember whether it was at 1.30 or 2.30. She arrived at 1.25 for her 2.30 class. Ah well. The trainer said she could go in the 1.30 class rather than waiting. Phew! She also wasn't expecting there to be eight other dogs in the class. There were! She also wasn't expecting there to be "obstacles" all around the room: dogs' toys on the floor; a pram with a baby in it; a picnic (with food on plates!!!!!); a (real) dog laying in the middle of the room; two pretend dogs with toys; a couple of chairs with cushions. Temptation alley! She wasn't expecting the dogs to be able to greet each other. They were.

But what she really wasn't expecting, was how amazing her pooch would be! Sitting, laying down, or standing waiting, yards away from Furry Mama with all the other dogs walking round. Not moving until she called him, then charging over to her wagging his tail, sitting down in front of her, waiting for his praise and treat. Walking to heel, off the lead, amongst all this chaos, then sitting and waiting while Baggy kept walking, until Furry Mama called him to her, when he instantly fell back into heel! Clever Bird was so proud of him. Okay, there may have been a couple of nibbles of picnic food - unfortunate really, as he is only supposed to be eating his special diet food - but then he is half Labrador, and takes after his Mama who can't resist a tasty morsel either. Clever Bird does have to wonder how anyone could give up a dog as "untrainable", when he is clearly a pooch genius, but Furry Mama thanks her lucky stars that they did, and that he's now a member of the family...........

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