Thursday, 23 November 2017

Too much.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Yellow.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Overall day: Constructive.

Wow it was windy in little old Suffolk last night! Poor pooch was a bit freaked out by the banging and roaring. Furry Mama had to accompany him outside to do his evening ablutions, as he didn't want to go. Suddenly all the leaves have pretty much left the trees! It's been a stunning day though. As usual Pepper loved chasing his ball through the autumn leaves.

Look at the concentration on that face baggetts! But Clever Bird has realised something in the last couple of days. Despite Furry Mama's protestations to the contrary, Pepper's recall is rubbish! Yes he comes back to her to drop off his ball, but that's about it!

How did she discover this little fact? The pooch decided yesterday that he was hot and needed a drink after all his ball chasing. So he took off, ball in his mouth, to the muddy lake. Let's remember baggetts that the pooch has major separation anxiety, but apparently that doesn't count when he's the one doing the leaving. The lake is a few hundred yards away from where he left Baggy and completely out of sight. Hmmmmm! Furry Mama called him back. He did a Minty Mutt - scan the horizon, decide that his plan was more important, carry on to the lake. No way was he coming to Furry Mama until he had finished getting filthy.

So today they spent a lot of time working on the recall. Let's just say that it's a work in progress! One thing was clear though, he is much more motivated by a ball than by treats. Tonight is his training class, Clever Bird is tempted to take a ball with her.

Furry Mama also had to "persuade" Bracket kat to go outside today. She hasn't left the spare bedroom since seven weeks ago when Pepper arrived. Furry Mama noticed this morning that Bracket's coat, which is usually glistening, was dull and dry. The pussums must be getting depressed. So Baggy picked her up and carried her outside, followed by the pooch! Bracket was a hissing furball and shot off up the garden at a rate of knots. Of course she wouldn't come back in again, so after Pepper's afternoon session, Furry Mama locked the pooch in his crate (he had a fit), and went and found her. Baggy had to carry her back inside. But she'd obviously had a nice few hours because her coat was already shining again. So Furry Mama has a new daily task, until Bracket totally gets used to Pepper.

For the rest of the day, while the pooch has rested, The Domestic Goddess has been a busy bee. The house is looking lovely once more and The Goddess managed to vacuum without Pepper attacking the vacuum cleaner. But Freda Fretter is very unhappy about that!! She feels bad because it was achieved by using a device last time The Goddess used the cleaner - it's a pressurised can that emits a "hiss" when you press it. It sounds like a very annoyed cat. And it scared the living daylights out of the pooch who retired to the bedroom and refused to come out. Freda threw the spray away. She doesn't want Pepper not doing something because he is terrified. And he's now so scared of the vacuum cleaner that he won't even go near it when it's switched off. It does make Clever Bird wonder what the poor pooch has been through that he gets so scared so easily. Let's just hope there are no weird noises at tonight's training class......................

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