Wednesday, 20 November 2019

60 years young today

Baggy, Calum, Pepper Pooch and their lovely friend Lorraine, got home from Baggy's surprise party at around 1.30am. Despite having had only four hours sleep on the previous night, when Baggy stumbled into her bed at 2.15am, she could not get to sleep. Hormonal Hannah's mind was whirring, and Baggy was reliving every lovely moment of her brilliant night - that and Baggy's knee was throbbing with pain, as it started to swell up from all Baggy's bopping.  At 5.30am, having got up-and-down about four times, totally unable to sleep, Calum decided to get up, because Lorraine was on the move. Baggy instantly fell asleep! Only to wake up again at 7.00am. 

She decided to give in and get up, as the alarm was set for 8.00am anyway. 'Why?' you ask Baggees. Well, because Baggy had yet another treat! Baggy's gorgeous sister had booked breakfast in a cafe in Southwold. 

The marginally eccentric (aka nutty) owner, had very kindly put up a banner for Baggy! You get the kind of cafe it is Baggees, when you read that he only serves a crappuccino coffee! It was certainly an entertaining breakfast!

As everyone made their way home to Kent and London, after their full English's, Cal and Furry Mama took Pepper Pooch (who was at this breakfast, but is fast asleep under the table in this photo!), for a run on the beach, before heading home themselves.

Calum was back at work at 3.30am on Monday morning! Clever Bird has no idea how he manages it! Baggy had a lie in (having once again slept really badly). But when she did try to get up, she realised that her left knee was so swollen that she couldn't bend it. This meant that Monday and Tuesday were spent hobbling around the house, while The Domestic Goddess did a bit of tidying, and Furry Mama threw the ball for Pepper! 

Baggy's knee was considerably better today, although still too swollen for her to safely drive.  Fortunately though, Calum had taken the day off, to be with Baggy on the day that she officially became 60 years old, so he could do the driving.

It's been a wonderful day!

A trip to the beach for the pooch:

It was glorious - but absolutely freezing; hence number one's impersonation of Nanook of the North!

Lunch on the pier:

Followed by a visit to the yard, so that Grotty Groom could spend some time with her Boys, and give Wesley a quick groom.

Then home, where Baggy got rather tipsy, drinking sparkling wine, while opening all the wonderful presents and cards, that people had so kindly given her at her party! And yes Baggees, Hormonal Hannah did get totally overwhelmed by people's generosity and thoughtfulness, and yet more tears have been shed...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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