Friday, 15 November 2019

Managing depression and anxiety.

Clever Bird can't decide whether depression or anxiety is the bigger nuisance - both of them prevent you from doing some of the things that you might love most in the world. And yet, managing to do those things helps to mitigate the black cloud or the knotted stomach, that depression and anxiety cause. 

Now it's one thing being told this, 'Try to get out and do things that you love doing'. 
It's another thing understanding it, 'I would feel better if I did something that I love doing'.
It's a different level altogether, actually acting on that knowledge, 'I am going to go and do something I love doing today.'

But if you can bring yourself to listen to that advice, and act on it, even when your anxiety is telling you not to, and your depression just makes you want to stay in the warmth of the house - it really does help!

Clever Bird knows that it's not easy Baggees, but it is worth trying to make yourself do that thing that your anxiety is telling you that you can't do, or your depression is making you not want to do! Whatever your thing is - do it!

Hormonal Hannah is so much happier now that she's finally found the strength to act on this knowledge and the gang are back in action - doing what they love:

Creative Clara is blogging; Gloria Gardener is pottering; Furry Mama is going out in all weathers with Pepper Pooch;

Grotty Groom is seeing her Boys!

In fact, Hormonal Hannah is feeling so much more positive, that Clever Bird has asked number one furry if she can ride Joey tomorrow! She wants to do it before Grotty Groom loses her nerve.

Today's grooming session focussed on the big Boy, just as much as Wessles; much to the latter's annoyance, who kicked the door rather a lot while Grotty was with Joey! But Clever Bird decided that she needed to work on building her bond with the big lad, if she's planning on riding him. Fingers crossed that Hormonal Hannah doesn't talk Grotty out of it...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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