Baggy is sleeping appallingly at the moment! She wakes at around 2.00am and cannot get back to sleep! However, on Saturday, even after only around four hours of actual sleep, Grotty Groom got Baggy out of bed, still excited to ride Joey. Firstly though, Furry Mama needed to take Pepper Pooch for a good run, and Calum had offered to buy Baggy some new waterproof boots as her Christmas present, so they headed off to a local horsey-shop. Extremely nice boots purchased, they set off again.
'Shall we go to Southwold?'
'No! We said we'd go to Pakefield.'
'I know. But it's nearer.'
'It isn't. It's the same distance from here.'
'I know, but I really want to ride Joey and Southwold is in the right direction to get to the yard.'
'We always go to ****ing Southwold.'
Hormonal Hannah wondered why Calum was in such a strop, and decided that she'd better shut up, and get Baggy to drive to Pakefield.
Cal seemed to relax, and enjoy the beach once they got there, and the pooch had his usual lovely time. They had a toastie at the beach cafe and admired the view, but Grotty was itching to get to the yard before Hormonal Hannah talked her out of riding.
'Can we head off now?'
'What's the rush?'
'Well, it's already getting on for lunchtime. By the time we get to the yard it'll be gone two.'
'I want to ride.'
'I know. There's plenty of time.'
'But I need to wash my hair before we go to the party tonight. Not that I really want to go. We won't know anyone.' (Baggy and Calum had been invited to a party at the village hall by some neighbours - as per, Hannah's anxiety was telling her not to go.)
'I'm sure we will, but even if we don't, we'll have each other,' reassured Calum.
By the time they finally got to the yard, Hannah had got Grotty in a right state! But she did it! She rode Calum's beautiful horse.
Madly, rather than walking down and mounting Joey in the safety of the indoor school, Clever Bird decided to get Grotty mount him by the stables, and ride him down to it. This is only a distance of about a hundred yards - if that - but Baggy was shaking like the proverbial leaf, because Joey was snorting like a train, while staring at a horse box in the car park.
'Cal, can you hold his reins please?' asked a terrified Grotty, who felt as if Joey was going to spin and head back to the stables at any second.
'You're fine!'
'No - I'm really not!' squeaked Hannah. 'Please hold him - I'm shaking.'
Cal took the reins, but Joey was still wired, and staring at the horse box with ears pricked. He tried to trot past it, but Cal walked him. It didn't help that Wesley was calling to Joey and Grotty from his stable, like a total numpty! Baggy breathed deeply and reminded herself, that:
a) Joey is a really sensible horse
b) Grotty might be unfit, but she's a good rider
c) Calum's saddle literally holds Baggy in place
d) Clever Bird had attached Grotty's 'sissy-strap' to Joey's saddle, and Grotty had hold of it
e) Clever Bird had also made Grotty wear an air jacket (just in case)
f) They were just walking down a track, that Joey's been down dozens of times; not riding round Badminton or Burleigh
g) Joey IS NOT Wesley! (And is therefore unlikely to suddenly spin, and bolt straight back to his stable, if a leaf looks at him 'the wrong way').
And breathe...
Clever Bird knew that Calum would have to let go of Joey's reins in order to open the school doors, so Grotty sank deep into Joey's saddle and tried to make the jibbering Hormonal Hannah relax, and stop visualising all Grotty's previous hospital trips.
As the doors slid noisily open, Joey took a little side-step and then put on a spurt to get into the arena. Clever Bird realised that it was Grotty's tension that was making him nervous, as Joey snorted his way around the school, looking at everything. Grotty started to chat to him, as she led him round, and he soon began to settle; as did Hannah (and breathe).
He's a typical Irish Draught really - totally laid back, and extremely brave. Considering that he's basically had three years off work, he was an angel (as he always is). As Hannah began to relax properly, Grotty started to enjoy the experience.
Creative Clara asked Cal to take some photos for her blog.
It was a very happy ten minutes or so - more than enough for both Joey and Grotty, after such a long time off.
Baggy hopped off - rather inelegantly, and with a bit of a crash - it's an awfully long way down! (Clever Bird forgets that Joey is considerably larger than the Boy Wessles!) Grotty gave him a load of treats for being such an angel, and led him back to the stables. As Joey noticed the horsebox, once again he tensed up, and put on a little speed spurt to get past it.
'I think he thought we were going to take him somewhere Cal.'
'Yeah that makes sense.'
'It's okay you big softy; you're going back to your brother.'
Grotty gave both Boys a cuddle and a few more treats, before packing up all her bits and heading back to the tack room for a cuppa and a chat. Pepper Pooch joined them and met a little pug who's on foster with the yard owner (and looking for a new home). Perhaps fortunately, the pooch decided that he wanted nothing to do with the boisterous, scary little puppy, who just wanted to play with him! Otherwise, the Baggy furry-family, may have been expanded!
Determined to ride again on Sunday, Grotty said to Pauline, (the yard manager), 'See you tomorrow,' and was a little surprised when she got no response. Hormonal Hannah was a bit hurt, but realised that she's always saying that she'll be at the yard, then not going - but still! Clever Bird told her not to be so stupid; Pauline was busy, heading into the stableblock, and probably hadn't even heard her. So Grotty yelled, 'Bye', once more.
It was getting on for 3.30pm by the time they all arrived home. Hormonal Hannah had totally forgotten that Steve (the carpenter), was working away at the top of the garden, getting on with Cal's new shed. The Domestic Goddess made him a cup of tea, and took Baggy up to see the work-in-progress, before heading back down to the house, and Cal.
'I suppose I'd better wash my hair; I smell rather horsey.'
'Do we have to go tonight?'
'No, not if you don't want to. Wash your hair, and see how you feel.'
'Right ho.'
'By the way - what do you want to do for your birthday? Do you fancy going out for a meal?'
'Yes, that would be lovely.'
'Where would you like to go?'
'I don't know. A pub probably, then Pepper can come.'
As the hot water helped Baggy's neck from hurting so much, Hannah began to relax, and to look forward to putting on one of her new swirly dresses, and heading to the village hall, for their lovely neighbour's party - after all, if she had a meltdown, it would take her only five minutes to walk home, and it would be lovely to spend some quality time with her husband, and maybe have a little bit of a bop...
To be continued...............
Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!
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