Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Health issues.

Naturally, this being Baggy's world, Clever Bird's plan of early morning starts and trips to the beach, then to the horses, failed on day two. This wasn't down to Hormonal Hannah being a nuisance, it was down to number one furry being in agony with a red and swollen left leg, and needing an emergency appointment at the doctor's. He is now on antibiotics, ('Are you allergic to penicillin?' )

'Well, I am,' thought Baggy. 

And anti-inflammatories, ( Can you take Ibuprofen? Do you have stomach ulcers?  

'Well I can't; and do,' thought Baggy, 'Just as well it's not me that's got a dodgy leg then!!'

Armed with prescriptions, instructions to buy a moisturising cream, and a form to get blood tests done (for a possible deep vein thrombosis), they hobbled out of the doctor's. And yes Baggees, Creative Clara does mean they, Baggy is hobbling in sympathy! 

However, today (minus the early start), she was back on track! Calum is having a few days off to allow his leg time to recover, so Baggy, Cal and the pooch headed to the beach for mid-morning. Furry Mama did her usual march up the beach with Pepper, leaving Cal to do a gentle stroll along a short part of the promenade. They met up again for a coffee on the pier, before heading to the yard to see the Boys.

Grotty Groom gave the Boy Wessles a quick groom, before putting her big-girl pants on and taking him into the outdoor school for a wander. Heaven alone knows what Freda Fretter was worrying about - well no, that's not true; she knows exactly what she was worrying about: Wesley deciding to have a bronc, to make a point to Grotty! It was after all the first time that she's done any work of any kind with him, in months (or longer!). However, she really needn't have worried, the lad was like a large dope-on-a-rope, just perfectly happy to amble after his mum, in the gorgeous autumn sunshine.

He did really just want to be with Grotty! The only slight temptation for leaving her, being the little tufts of grass that are currently sprouting through the school-sand, which he insisted on sniffing as he walked.

Clever Bird did think that it might be an idea to take him right up to the schooling-mirror, just in case he'd forgotten that it was there. He hadn't! He did wonder why on earth his mum was pointing her phone at it though.

But look at that sky Baggees!

And how wonderfully sparkly clean is that mirror? Seriously, The Domestic Goddess could learn a lesson or two from its perfection! It is after all outside in the elements, yet is kept perfectly; unlike her bathroom mirror, that Baggy can barely see through the dust on! 

Grotty was touched by just how happy her horse was to be with her, and reminded of just how much he trusts her. Now Baggy needs to get back on to losing some weight, so that she can start riding him again. But in the meantime, she will continue to build up his work in-hand.

He didn't particularly want to go back into his stable, as he was enjoying his pootle with his mum, but once in, was more than happy to go back to his hay. Baggy thought that Calum was waiting in the tack room, but Grotty noticed Joey gnashing his teeth together, in a smiley way, and realised that he must be being groomed. Grotty was delighted that both Boys had had a bit of a fuss!

Weight-loss, fitness, and health issues permitting, Baggy is really hopeful that in the coming weeks, both Grotty and Calum might start riding once more...

Note to readers: For the avoidance of any doubt, every character in this blog is Baggy! No Baggy was harmed in its writing, although some of them get pretty confused!

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