Wednesday, 31 May 2017

It's a Gloria day in little old Suffolk.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Being good.
Syns (Baggy is allowed 8-15):  A few!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Two pounds less.
Overall day:  🌹

Baggy woke feeling fairly rubbish, but thankfully not as rubbish as yesterday. It's a pleasant day in Suffolk - warm, but not boiling, and as Hormonal Hannah's cloud was hanging about, Gloria Gardener decided that gardening was the order of the day. Quick walk for Minty Mutt first, who met his two besties, the little dachshunds, and threw himself in the muddy stream.

Gloria decided to claim her patio back as even Hannah loves to spend time on it, and it was beginning to look a proper mess! Of course Hannah forgot to take the before photos, but here's her day, accompanied by the furries and the attack-blackbird!

Two whole very large bags of weeds later, and baggees they were very little weeds!!!, the patio looked lovely again. But Clever Bird would like to know why it is that grass will grow absolutely everywhere, apart from where you want it to grow?

By the time she had finished, Hormonal Hannah had a big happy cloud over her head, rather than a black one. It's funny that having hated gardening for years, Gloria now loves it (even pulling up teeny weeds!). It's a shame that she didn't love it when she ran a £10-million gardening catalogue! She was always getting plant samples. Ah well.

Tomorrow The Domestic Goddess and Gloria have to go to the holiday cottage to finish it and get organised for its first guests. They'll have to go again on Sunday with Calum to do last bits. They can't go on Saturday as Creative Clara has the vintage fair, the Halesworth Brocante, for her Realuv shop, which means being there at 7.00am! Just as well she had a nothing day yesterday as it's now all systems go again........

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Nothing day.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 7.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Trying to resist.
Syns (Baggy is allowed 8-15):  Hot Cross Buns!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Ah well.
Overall day:  👾

And what has Baggy been up to today?

Getting The Domestic Goddess to clean, or go over to the holiday cottage?
Taking Grotty Groom to see her horses?
Letting Gloria Gardener attack her gardens?
Sending Hairy Biker Hen out for a pootle on her bike?
Making Clever Bird sort out all the paperwork she has to deal with?
Helping Creative Clara to write a bit of her novel?
Spending time with Furry Mama walking Minty Mutt?
Field-walking with Archaeologist Annie?
All of the above?
No, no and thrice no.

Today Baggy has given full rein to Hormonal Hannah, Freda Fretter and Bit-at-a-time Betty's needs. And they do have genuine needs baggees, even though they're not the most popular members of the gang.

So what has Baggy been up to today?

Absolutely nothing; nada, zilch, nowt - NONE OF THE ABOVE.

She had to get up early as the gas man was coming again to fix the hot water, "anytime between 8.00am and 1.00pm". So she dragged herself out of bed at 7.00am with the intention of getting Furry Mama to take Mint for a walk. Quick shower, then she got dressed. And felt so tired and ill she went back to bed - fully clothed, trusting that Minty Mutt would do a full-on guard bark and wake her when the chap arrived. He did. But Clever Bird couldn't see anyone. "There's no one there Mint".
"There is Mum".
"No, there isn't".
Baggy checked the drive - no gas van. Then she double-checked the front door. Opening it she said, "See, you daft mutt, I told you.......Oh! Sorry, have you been there long?"
"Well I did ring the bell three times".

Water fixed in ten minutes, Baggy checked Facebook, only to see photos of number one furry's HGV  covered in dents with a car facing the wrong way next to it! Freda panicked and called Calum. "Are you okay?"
"Yes fine".
"But you've had a crash?"
"Yes, but it's all fine".
Baggy's head started to ache to go with her cough and sore throat. Hannah's anxiety levels shot up. Calum explained what had happened. Freda tried not to worry even more.

Baggy felt a little better after the ubiquitous cup of tea. Furry Mama saw the Hinge cat lying upside down on the bed and decided to lie down with her for a moment. Two-and-a-half hours later Baggy was woken by Hinge massaging (aka sticking her claws into Baggy's hair and skin on her) head. She'd missed two calls from Calum checking that she was okay. By now it was 2.30pm. Baggy checked the fridge. The wonderfully useless Domestic Goddess had bought no food. Hannah spotted hot cross buns. These were devoured with lashings of butter and more tea.

Baggy called Calum back and started a coughing fit. She retired to the sofa surrounded by the cats and mutt. She tried to watch telly, but her head ached so much she couldn't. Actually that's not accurate, it was more of an eyeball ache. Clever Bird realised that it's probably Baggy's cataract that isn't coping with all the bright sunshine. Freda Fretter reminded her that one of the pieces of paperwork that she's supposed to be sorting out, is an eye test for Baggy. Her last one was a year ago, and she needed the operation then. Freda and Hannah persuaded Clever Bird to put off the appointment for as long as possible. Baggy does not want another operation! Yes baggees, Clever Bird is being stupid.

So the day's gone and Baggy has achieved precisely zip. Does she feel bad about this? Yes of course she does, but she has to admit that her body is screaming at her to slow down a bit. She will after all be fifty-eight this year. Yes, still young compared to many, but ancient compared to even more. But she'd kind of like to get lots older, so doing nothing for a day is probably wise.............

Monday, 29 May 2017

Sea frets and fun.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Irrelevant.
Syns (Baggy is allowed 8-15):  Lots!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Ah well.
Overall day:  🐾

Finally, a lie in for Baggy and number one furry! Baggy was so tired last night that apparently she slept through a violent thunder storm (while snoring her little head off), so Calum had to take over Furry Mama's duties of looking after and reassuring, a quivering Minty Mutt. He never used to be afraid of storms, until there was a really bad one that shook (the now-a-holiday) cottage, and he couldn't get upstairs to check on Furry Mama. She went downstairs to sleep with him, but even she was a little nervous. Ever since then the Boy is terrified of thunder. But Baggy didn't even hear it!

As it's a Bank Holiday and a hot sunny day, they decided to take Billy Bob Jalopy camper van for a trip out to the seaside. Calum asked Baggy where she'd like to go to. Clever Bird said that she wanted to go to Minsmere. "Do you want to take a coat?" asked Calum.
"Yeah funny", said Baggy, who was already melting in the humid heat, "Maybe I'll just take my posh pack-a-mac". Off they all went. To an RSPB sanctuary. "Urrrrrm, I've never been here before in my life", said Baggy.
"Well this is Minsmere".
"It is? Well I don't remember it".
Baggy looked around. "Nope this isn't the Minsmere that I know. The one I know belongs to the National Trust, not the RSPB".
Baggy dug out the NT guide book.
"Ah, apparently I meant Dunwich Heath, but Dad always called it Minsmere".

They set off again! "Yep, this is where I meant", said Clever Bird. They headed off on a lovely walk. There was a sea fret and Baggy was cold! She put her coat on. "I told you to bring a jumper", said Cal.
"Oh, I thought you were being facetious".
"You never listen do you?"
Hormonal Hannah gave him "the look", but Baggy remembered the number of "hot day" trips they took to the coast as kids, only for it to be freezing and windy when they got there.

Despite the wind, Minty Mutt was thirsty, so off they headed to the "Beware Deep Water" area.

Thirst sated, off they pootled once more.

Calum pointed out where Minsmere was. "Well that makes sense then", said Baggy, "that's where Dad and I used to walk to from here. It was probably an eight mile circular walk".

By now the sea fret was becoming a land fret and they were in danger of being blown from the cliff edge.

Time for lunch and a cappuccino at the National Trust café.

After the classic seaside postcard shot.

Well, almost! It's been so lovely for Baggy and Calum to actually have a real day off! Hope you all had a lovely day too baggees.........