Monday, 8 May 2017

Baggy the whirling dervish!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.Baggy's daily state!

Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: No amazingly.
Pancakes (Yes/No): No but loads of wine.
Syns (Baggy is allowed 8-15): Ridiculous amounts.
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): No way is she looking.
Overall day:  😰

Firstly, sincere apologies baggees, but Creative Clara has been flat out with Realuv to have time to blog! Even today she's struggling with time, but here goes:

Saturday: Number one ever fair for Realuv.  Thanks to The Hinge cat (who £500 later) is back to her cute purry best, Baggy was awake at 4.00am. Apparently she needed to head-butt Furry Mama in the face. As Creative Clara needed to be up at 5.00am anyway, she let baggy put up with it. Number one furry had had enough of the purring and got up at 4.15 ( a body-clock thing from starting work that time all week), so Baggy followed. Furry Mama and Baggy's sister walked the dogs, then everyone headed to the vintage fair. They were there for 7.00am!! Hormonal Hannah had Baggy in a meltdown. Panicking about setting up. Panicking that she wasn't good enough. Just panicking.

But it was a good day. Tiring. But fun. And a very steep learning curve. However a small profit was made, which was pretty good for a first go! But Baggy would have struggled without the help of her sister and the support of her husband.

Sunday: Realuv stall mark two, this time at a garden centre open day, so Clever Bird wasn't expecting much. For once she was right! But a tiny profit was made, and a really good day was had!

More learning was done!

Baggy's sister headed home this morning after they had walked Pickle dog and Minty Mutt. As it was only 9.30am, and Hormonal Hannah had gone into a total meltdown when she realised that The Domestic Goddess only had a week to get the soon-to-be-a-holiday cottage ready for the photoshoot, (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!) she headed over to the other end of Suffolk.

Clever Bird knew that the cupboard Clara had bought to put the telly on, was all wrong. So she shot to the vintage shop with a view to swapping it. the owner was at an auction. Baggy went to the cottage. First of all, the grass seed she'd spread - nothing. Nada. She walked in, and took in the mess. Hannah went into a total meltdown.

Much driving around to three different towns, resulted in money being spent. Back at the cottage, Clara decided to try her bedding purchase out.



Clara can't decide whether to include the red cushions or not.

But the photographer will no doubt decide. Of course now The Domestic Goddess needs to take it all off again and iron it! And wash it. Well at least the sheet, because Clever Bird and Hormonal Hannah conspired to persuade Baggy to eat a raspberry jam sandwich before The Goddess started to make the bed with the brand new bed linen. Clever Bird made Baggy wash her hands, but as she was putting the sheet on, she noticed a red splodge! Raspberry jam! Clever Bird had omitted to check whether Baggy had dribbled it onto herself - she must have. Sigh.
But at least one room is almost ready!

New knobs:

Meanwhile, trying to get the telly on something that doesn't dominate the sitting room - not so easy!

Clara's latest thoughts:

Styling is definitely an art! An art, that Clever Bird is not convinced that Clara has. Back into the fray tomorrow then. Baggy's off to bed now.........

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