Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 7.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Yep - needed for comfort!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): Back over 14st.
Overall day: Slow.
Clever Bird has decided Baggees, that for the sake of the gang, and for the sake of you lovely lot, Creative Clara will publish her blog only once a week from now on, at least for a while. As Baggy's life has got itself into a little bit of a rut, it's taking Clara longer and longer to write something that Clever Bird deems to be worth publishing. It frequently takes her two hours to write not very much at all. And frankly, there are only so many times that she can show photos of the pooch on a beach, no matter how cute he is, before you all decide you'd rather watch paint dry!
More than that even, Hormonal Hannah needs to remove some of the pressure that she's feeling from herself. A number of you Baggees suggested reducing her blogging, and after some consideration, she agrees. Clara is now taking the writing of her novel seriously and treating it as a priority. Hannah can no longer cope with the pressure that she's been feeling and her depression seems to have taken hold again, so Bit-at-a-time-Betty is setting her smaller goals to achieve. She is currently reediting the first three chapters of her novel, and she's taking it seriously - writing as a job. Okay, another unpaid job for the moment, but every author started out that way.
The pooch is still limping and Furry Mama thinks it's a toe, so he's still resting (kind of). And possibly most importantly of all for Hannah's health, Grotty Groom needs to start paying some attention to her Boys. Hope you all understand Baggees, and Baggy and the gang are not leaving you, just hoping to be more interesting for you.........
Monday, 29 January 2018
Saturday, 27 January 2018
Rest is best.
Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Fresh fruit and semolina!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): 13st 13lbs although it probably won't last.
Overall day: Productive.
Number one furry was still at work today having done a six day week, so Baggy was missing him. The other furries had her up at eight, which was a good thing because the house was a serious mess. At least The Domestic Goddess had the morning to get it looking a little nicer. Furry Mama decided that Pepper needed to rest, as he's clearly still in pain from some part of his right leg. The poor pooch, he thinks he's done something really wrong - no more treats of any description; no grass eating; no walk and not even any indoor ball throwing. Furry Mama is trying to reassure him that he hasn't, with lots of cuddles and tummy strokes, which he's now decided is the best thing ever.
The Goddess did a pretty good job all morning. Satisfied that the house looked okay, Creative Clara started typing her novel. She had typed exactly five words, when Pepper let out a high-pitched howl and hurtled into the kitchen on three legs - Calum was home.
After a sarnie and a cuppa, they popped over to the yard for a quick visit. They had a chat with Pauline, the yard manager, who was her usual wonderful supportive self. Grotty Groom and Calum really landed on their feet when they found that yard - the Boys are so content there. Grotty would like to thank you Pauline! Then they popped into the stable block to give Wessles and Joey a pat and a parsnip. As Calum has been up since 2.00am and the pooch was cold, they only stayed for a few minutes.
Back at home, Calum has been relaxing, while Clara has carried on editing and typing up her novel. She's half way through Chapter three now, so is feeling rather pleased with herself. Surprisingly, the pooch has been resting. Investigation by Cal makes Furry Mama think that he may have bruised a toe, and/or pulled a claw. Clever Bird hopes that is all it is as Freda Fretter was convinced that it was his shoulder. Calum in a gesture of solidarity with the pooch, or more likely just through plain clumsiness through tiredness, has just stretched out his leg and kicked the leg of the coffee table - he now appears to have a broken little toe - also on his right leg. Furry Mama now needs both of them to rest, although it's nearly nine and Cal is still up......
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Grey.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Fresh fruit and semolina!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): 13st 13lbs although it probably won't last.
Overall day: Productive.
Number one furry was still at work today having done a six day week, so Baggy was missing him. The other furries had her up at eight, which was a good thing because the house was a serious mess. At least The Domestic Goddess had the morning to get it looking a little nicer. Furry Mama decided that Pepper needed to rest, as he's clearly still in pain from some part of his right leg. The poor pooch, he thinks he's done something really wrong - no more treats of any description; no grass eating; no walk and not even any indoor ball throwing. Furry Mama is trying to reassure him that he hasn't, with lots of cuddles and tummy strokes, which he's now decided is the best thing ever.
The Goddess did a pretty good job all morning. Satisfied that the house looked okay, Creative Clara started typing her novel. She had typed exactly five words, when Pepper let out a high-pitched howl and hurtled into the kitchen on three legs - Calum was home.
After a sarnie and a cuppa, they popped over to the yard for a quick visit. They had a chat with Pauline, the yard manager, who was her usual wonderful supportive self. Grotty Groom and Calum really landed on their feet when they found that yard - the Boys are so content there. Grotty would like to thank you Pauline! Then they popped into the stable block to give Wessles and Joey a pat and a parsnip. As Calum has been up since 2.00am and the pooch was cold, they only stayed for a few minutes.
Back at home, Calum has been relaxing, while Clara has carried on editing and typing up her novel. She's half way through Chapter three now, so is feeling rather pleased with herself. Surprisingly, the pooch has been resting. Investigation by Cal makes Furry Mama think that he may have bruised a toe, and/or pulled a claw. Clever Bird hopes that is all it is as Freda Fretter was convinced that it was his shoulder. Calum in a gesture of solidarity with the pooch, or more likely just through plain clumsiness through tiredness, has just stretched out his leg and kicked the leg of the coffee table - he now appears to have a broken little toe - also on his right leg. Furry Mama now needs both of them to rest, although it's nearly nine and Cal is still up......
Friday, 26 January 2018
Seriously Universe what else are you going to chuck at Baggy?
Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Black.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Yes lots, but happy, feeling "very touched" ones.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Nope - determined to be good!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): 14st 0lbs 😛
Overall day: 🐀 .
Baggy woke in a terrible place this morning, after another night of really upsetting dreams. But after five minutes of Hinge head-butting Furry Mama's face, with her furry head, followed by the pooch leaping on the bed to lick Hinge and Baggy, she had to get up and face the day. Hormonal Hannah didn't get much further than the sofa though. With Baggy still in her dressing gown, Creative Clara opened the Word document that is her novel. Then did nothing, except stare at the screen. Pepper looked at her, sighed and curled up on the sofa.
Freda Fretter isn't sure how long Baggy sat in a daze, doing nothing except feeling sick and panicky. She almost jumped out of her skin when Pepper barked because he'd heard the postman. Two official letters. One interesting looking one that looked like a card. It was a card, to Calum and Baggy. Baggy recognised her sister's handwriting. "Odd", thought Clever Bird, "it's not a Birthday or anything". When she read it, she sobbed like a big baby, her sister had sent the card saying how much she loved Baggy and "Bear", (as she calls number one furry), and that she was thinking about them. It was just very thoughtful and very wonderful and Baggy was a blubby appreciative mess! It did the trick - much to Pepper's delight, Baggy got organised and dressed Furry Mama ready for action. Hannah felt better when Baggy hopped on the scales!
As Clever Bird knows that Freda Fretter wants to save money and that Baggy wants to lose weight, she decided that Furry Mama could walk into town to do the things she needed to do, rather than going in Billy Bob. It's a four-mile round trip and Furry Mama set a pace to keep up with the pooch. They played ball all the way there. It's a beautiful day in Suffolk and Hannah was glad that she'd gone out. Of course Pepper threw himself in the canal on the way past, so it was a wet, smelly pooch that headed into the post office with Baggy. That didn't stop him from getting strokes from various people while they waited in the queue though! Then they headed to the pet shop to see whether they had a suitable muzzle for him. Freda Fretter really doesn't want to make Pepper wear a muzzle because everyone will just assume that he's aggressive, but Clever Bird knows that his allergies are so serious, that potentially it could save his life, so it has to be worth exploring. The owner is doing some research and will call Furry Mama once she's checked it all out.
By the time they got home, Hannah was a lot happier and Baggy was feeling quite chuffed with how much fitter she is getting, since having the pooch to walk. He is distinctly chilled and has been in this position for the last two hours.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Black.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Yes lots, but happy, feeling "very touched" ones.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Nope - determined to be good!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): 14st 0lbs 😛
Overall day: 🐀 .
Clever Bird's Thoughts for the Day
- Isn't it high time that The Domestic Goddess learnt to dry knickers properly? It's not rocket science is it? Unscrew the blooming things before you balance them on the drier!
- Is it also not high time that Clever Bird herself, used her not inconsiderable brain power, to improve her common sense? Baggy spent most of the morning wondering why her bottom felt so cold, when she had her warm baggy trousers on. Then she visited the bathroom and realised that she had damp knickers on!
- And why did she even pick knickers off the drier? It's not as if she didn't have a drawer full of clean dry ones - but did she swap to some dry ones when she realised her mistake? Of course she didn't Baggees. See, no common sense!
- Should people suffering from depression be more open about it? She thinks that they should. When you're quietly dying on the inside, but look wonderful on the outside and someone asks you how you are, it's so hard. "I'm good thanks, how are you?" Then feel like a fraud because you just lied, but feel that you can't burden an "innocent" conventional question with a truthful answer. Then you feel even worse.
- Unless you wish it to vanish into the ether for all of eternity, never ever put anything "in a safe place". Can Creative Clara find the expensive book she bought explaining how to get published? Can she heck?
- Kindness is its own reward, so why are so many people so unkind?
- If you are lonely and have the money, fitness, time and patience, rescue a pooch!!! Furry Mama has spoken to about ten total strangers today because of Pepper.
Baggy woke in a terrible place this morning, after another night of really upsetting dreams. But after five minutes of Hinge head-butting Furry Mama's face, with her furry head, followed by the pooch leaping on the bed to lick Hinge and Baggy, she had to get up and face the day. Hormonal Hannah didn't get much further than the sofa though. With Baggy still in her dressing gown, Creative Clara opened the Word document that is her novel. Then did nothing, except stare at the screen. Pepper looked at her, sighed and curled up on the sofa.
Freda Fretter isn't sure how long Baggy sat in a daze, doing nothing except feeling sick and panicky. She almost jumped out of her skin when Pepper barked because he'd heard the postman. Two official letters. One interesting looking one that looked like a card. It was a card, to Calum and Baggy. Baggy recognised her sister's handwriting. "Odd", thought Clever Bird, "it's not a Birthday or anything". When she read it, she sobbed like a big baby, her sister had sent the card saying how much she loved Baggy and "Bear", (as she calls number one furry), and that she was thinking about them. It was just very thoughtful and very wonderful and Baggy was a blubby appreciative mess! It did the trick - much to Pepper's delight, Baggy got organised and dressed Furry Mama ready for action. Hannah felt better when Baggy hopped on the scales!
As Clever Bird knows that Freda Fretter wants to save money and that Baggy wants to lose weight, she decided that Furry Mama could walk into town to do the things she needed to do, rather than going in Billy Bob. It's a four-mile round trip and Furry Mama set a pace to keep up with the pooch. They played ball all the way there. It's a beautiful day in Suffolk and Hannah was glad that she'd gone out. Of course Pepper threw himself in the canal on the way past, so it was a wet, smelly pooch that headed into the post office with Baggy. That didn't stop him from getting strokes from various people while they waited in the queue though! Then they headed to the pet shop to see whether they had a suitable muzzle for him. Freda Fretter really doesn't want to make Pepper wear a muzzle because everyone will just assume that he's aggressive, but Clever Bird knows that his allergies are so serious, that potentially it could save his life, so it has to be worth exploring. The owner is doing some research and will call Furry Mama once she's checked it all out.
By the time they got home, Hannah was a lot happier and Baggy was feeling quite chuffed with how much fitter she is getting, since having the pooch to walk. He is distinctly chilled and has been in this position for the last two hours.
However, he's just made a little yelp sound, followed by a whimper, but still didn't move. Furry Mama checked him. She couldn't work out what was wrong, but when he hopped off the sofa it was without putting any weight on his right front leg (again). He's been holding his paw in the air when stationary and limping really badly when walking. Then he'll hurtle off as though nothing is wrong, then stop and lift his paw again. Obviously Freda Fretter is worried - rightly so - so it looks as though Pepper is going to have to go to the vet's yet again, to get this checked out. She can see nothing wrong, but clearly the poor boy ends up like this every time he does too much ball chasing. She is so experienced with Minty Mutt's regular lameness on the same leg, that she knows it needs checking. Mint always had to have Metacam (a doggy anti-inflammatory) and rest. Furry Mama has Metacam and gave the pooch some last time this happened, but it seemed to knock him out, and Clever Bird worries that he might be allergic to it. And as for making him rest, well there's a challenge! It's just one more thing adding to Hormonal Hannah's anxiety. And breathe...............
Thursday, 25 January 2018
Baggy's got the blues.
Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Some.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Hopefully not!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds):😠
Overall day: 😌 .
Blue day. Blue mood. Blue place. Better than yesterday at least! Once again Baggy didn't really want to do anything today. But the pooch needs his exercise - fact. Especially as he seems to have even more get-up-and-go now he's on his second day of weird feather food. Mind you Baggees, Furry Mama mucked up this morning. She's taken to sitting with Hinge and Bracket when they eat their breakfasts, to ensure that Hinge eats her tablet and her Lactulose and Bracket doesn't snaffle it. Now it's also imperative that she stops Pepper from licking out the bowls, so once they've finished, The Domestic Goddess collects them and washes them up - not that there's anything left in them really as they have been licking them clean recently. But today she forgot. It was only when she went up to give the girls their lunch that she realised that the pooch had licked the bowls clean. How could she tell the difference? Because he'd promptly been sick on the carpet! Note to The Goddess - must try harder! Her stupidity upset Hormonal Hannah, but then it doesn't take much at all to upset the sensitive woman at the moment.
But at least she decided to go out. It's a gorgeous day. Clever Bird decided that of all the options, in spite of the fact that a couple of dogs have died inexplicably on local beaches recently, it's probably the safest option for Pepper. His allergy to grass, fungi and tree pollen is a higher risk than him eating something that would kill him on the beach. Plus Clever Bird thinks that the salt water might actually help soothe his itchy skin. They headed to the nearest beach at Southwold. Once again, their magic parking space was available! Baggy changed her boots to her waterproof, ball-retrieving ones. The pooch waited patiently. Then hauled Baggy to the beach.
It definitely is therapeutic being on the beach. For the pooch and Baggy. Hannah immediately starts living in the moment, while Baggy enjoys the fresh air, Furry Mama enjoys playing with Pepper, Creative Clara picks up her special stones and Psychic Ploppo admires nature's wonder. Baggy's really lucky to live in such a beautiful county.
They were there for a couple of hours. The pooch wore himself out. Sadly Baggy didn't as she was walking too slowly to burn off many calories, but she still ached! The pooch is getting so much more confident. He even makes the odd friend now.
As she wandered along the beach reflecting on how pretty beaches are, Baggy still had that sick anxious feeling. It's so annoying - feeling worried, even scared, when actually you are really happy is tiring to say the least. Clever Bird wonders whether Baggy's body has once again assimilated the happy pills and they are no longer being as effective. But she is not going to let it beat her!
So today, blue is good - blue is Baggy's favourite colour............
Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Some.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Hopefully not!
Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds):😠
Overall day: 😌 .
Blue day. Blue mood. Blue place. Better than yesterday at least! Once again Baggy didn't really want to do anything today. But the pooch needs his exercise - fact. Especially as he seems to have even more get-up-and-go now he's on his second day of weird feather food. Mind you Baggees, Furry Mama mucked up this morning. She's taken to sitting with Hinge and Bracket when they eat their breakfasts, to ensure that Hinge eats her tablet and her Lactulose and Bracket doesn't snaffle it. Now it's also imperative that she stops Pepper from licking out the bowls, so once they've finished, The Domestic Goddess collects them and washes them up - not that there's anything left in them really as they have been licking them clean recently. But today she forgot. It was only when she went up to give the girls their lunch that she realised that the pooch had licked the bowls clean. How could she tell the difference? Because he'd promptly been sick on the carpet! Note to The Goddess - must try harder! Her stupidity upset Hormonal Hannah, but then it doesn't take much at all to upset the sensitive woman at the moment.
But at least she decided to go out. It's a gorgeous day. Clever Bird decided that of all the options, in spite of the fact that a couple of dogs have died inexplicably on local beaches recently, it's probably the safest option for Pepper. His allergy to grass, fungi and tree pollen is a higher risk than him eating something that would kill him on the beach. Plus Clever Bird thinks that the salt water might actually help soothe his itchy skin. They headed to the nearest beach at Southwold. Once again, their magic parking space was available! Baggy changed her boots to her waterproof, ball-retrieving ones. The pooch waited patiently. Then hauled Baggy to the beach.
It definitely is therapeutic being on the beach. For the pooch and Baggy. Hannah immediately starts living in the moment, while Baggy enjoys the fresh air, Furry Mama enjoys playing with Pepper, Creative Clara picks up her special stones and Psychic Ploppo admires nature's wonder. Baggy's really lucky to live in such a beautiful county.
They were there for a couple of hours. The pooch wore himself out. Sadly Baggy didn't as she was walking too slowly to burn off many calories, but she still ached! The pooch is getting so much more confident. He even makes the odd friend now.
As she wandered along the beach reflecting on how pretty beaches are, Baggy still had that sick anxious feeling. It's so annoying - feeling worried, even scared, when actually you are really happy is tiring to say the least. Clever Bird wonders whether Baggy's body has once again assimilated the happy pills and they are no longer being as effective. But she is not going to let it beat her!
So today, blue is good - blue is Baggy's favourite colour............
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