Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Wrong road.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggetts): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing!

Baggy's daily state!

Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Black.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 7.
Tears: Surprisingly not.

Overall day: Tiring.

It probably won't surprise you that Hannah has dragged her black cloud over Baggy today. The pooch made her get up - literally! When Furry Mama didn't respond to his "talking" and pawing the bed, he jumped on top of her. As Baggy drank her morning cuppa, it occurred to Freda Fretter that Pepper was a) not in sight and b) very quiet! Never a good sign. She went to find him. He was upstairs - chewing something. As he saw her, he jumped up, looking sheepish with something in his mouth. The Domestic Goddess had decided to take a leaf out of Baggy's sister's book, and keep a window scraper in the shower to clean the glass screens after a shower. She'd got as far as leaving it in the shower, she hadn't actually used it yet - and now she never will! Sigh. Furry Mama knew that she needed to persuade Hannah to go out for a walk. So Clever Bird decided to walk up to the top end of the village, where there is a little industrial estate. As it would be paths and roads, Baggy put on her comfy baggy trousers and new boots. They stopped off at the Church for Psychic Ploppo to walk the Labyrinth, while Furry Mama threw the ball. It's best to wear the pooch out before trying to get him to heel, not haul, in the big wide world.

The little industrial estate was further than Clever Bird had realised, probably about a mile, mainly along a quite busy road (with no footpath!). Creative Clara wanted to pop in and look at a second-hand furniture shop. Pepper was a model dog as they walked round it. There was no sign of an owner; just as well really, as the instant they got next to the comfy chairs, the pooch stopped being a model dog and leapt onto the nearest chair! "No Pepper!! Off!!"

"Sorry Mum. Okay. This one looks comfier anyway".
"Nooooo! Off!!!!!"
"Oh right, you want me on this one then?"
"Seriously Pepper, get off! You're going to get me in trouble."
"But I always go on the sofas at home Mum."

Furry Mama made a hasty, furtive exit, and noticed a car bodywork sign. Quick chat with the chap about getting Billy Bob Jalopy campervan's rusty bits sorted, and back on the road to head home. A bus went past. Pepper pulled. An HGV went past. Pepper pulled. Baggy's hand was hurting, so Clever Bird decided that they'd go back a different way: down a minor road, to a footpath that goes to the old quarry behind Baggy's house. Good plan. Although Hannah had forgotten just how far it was down the little single track road - that still had a surprising amount of traffic on it - at least a mile. They got to the track safely. Freda Fretter looked at it, and her lovely new boots.

Oh heck! Pepper didn't care. "Let me off Mum. Throw my ball Mum". Clever Bird decided that actually that would be a good plan, as at least she wouldn't be hauled into the mud.

The pooch is easily pleased really. So Freda Fretter made Baggy walk along the grass, while the pooch hurtled through the mud.

Baggy's feet were really starting to rub in her new boots, as she tottered around the mud. The birds were tweeting, the cows were munching and the farmer was spreading stinky muck! Noooooo! Crossing across the track. Marvellous. Sorry boots.

Clever Bird decided to put Pepper back on the lead as he was hot and thirsty and she didn't want him drinking the dirty water that she's convinced is poisoning dogs. By the time they got home, she realised that once again they'd walked around three miles. Clara has been blogging ever since, while the pooch is wrapped in his towelling coat, drying off, as he sleeps on the sofa.............

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