Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Please comment. Hannah needs you.

Baggy's daily state!
(Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Black.
Anxiety: (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 7.
Tears: Surprisingly not.

Overall day: Tiring.

Hormonal Hannah has been giving Creative Clara all kinds of doubts about her continuing to write this blog. Original baggetts will know that it started out, two years ago, as a diary of her recovery from major surgery, She hoped that it would help her and might help others who had to go through major surgery. As she recovered, she started to suffer from fairly debilitating menopausal symptoms (thanks to the surgery), with depression and anxiety thrown in for a bit of light entertainment (probably also kick started by the surgery), so it became more about the daily struggle to cope with the worry and varying shades of dodgy cloud hanging over her. While all the time, being in fact about Baggy's day-to-day life with its ups and downs. Recently though, things have been on a fairly even keel. The HRT and happy pills have put Baggy back into a more manageable place both mentally and physically, not "cured", probably not most people's idea of "normal", but much more level and able to function properly. So Clever Bird starts wondering whether she's now just being a self-absorbed narcissist, sharing her life with the ether every day. 

Now baggetts, Baggy loves you all and is not fishing for reassurance, or compliments, (she's well aware that quite a few of you do get some kind of enjoyment from reading her blogs, and even a feeling of help or support, which is lovely). Actually hold that thought for a second! She's just a bit concerned that Creative Clara is getting boring and repetitive, quite simply because Baggy's life is currently, not boring, but definitely repetitive. Freda Fretter is concerned that she might be boring you baggetts. Then Clever Bird realises that nobody is forcing you to read it, so it must still be of interest. But going back to "that thought", if any of you would like to make a comment on the Blog itself, Baggy would love to hear from you! Freda Fretter does wonder whether you actually can, as Clara's laptop won't let her make a comment on her own blog!! She can only do it from her phone. There must be some "software" explanation, but Clever Bird isn't computer literate enough to figure it out. Anyway, assuming you can get the comment section to work, Baggy and the gang would love to hear from you - even if it's just to say where you're from. 


She knows that new baggetts are joining because the statistics show how many views each post has had and which country baggetts have viewed it from.  Thank you new Peruvian and Brazilian baggetts, and those from the United Arab Emirates. It's lovely to have you all. Clever Bird also knows that to date this blog has been viewed over 22,000 times. It has caught up with Baggy's original blog, which also has had over 22,000 visits. Interestingly, baggetts are still reading it, even though Clara hasn't added any new posts to it since Facebook and Bing decided that it was "abusive". (Yes, she's still really hurt by that, and has been given no opportunity whatsoever to correct that incorrect assessment - anyway less of that), the fact is that she has once again lost her confidence.

But while the stats continue to show that baggetts have popped in to view her blog, Clara will continue to try to find interesting things to write from her repetitive life. Without being repetitive. Which is easier said than done, which is why she now takes up to two hours to write a post! Yes two hours. See, repetitive! So actually baggetts, as well as commenting on where you are from, what about giving Clara some ideas about which of Baggy's gang are your favourites - or are your least favourites, but you like to hear about their stuff anyway? The gang needs you baggetts..............


  1. Baggy would really love to hear from you baggetts :)

  2. I love all your gang and always look forward to hearing from you! Sometime we'll have to meet up - Mike and I need to do some East Anglian church-crawling before long! Hugs

    1. Hey - it's me - I always read your blog. Mental health is a favourite subject of mine so your honesty is refreshing. You are also funny. And not at all normal. which is great. Writing is hard work, it should be, creativity is under-rated so keep it up. When we put ourselves out there it is frightening - especially when you get no feedback despite knowing people have looked at your work. I speak as a photographer who is usually crippled by self doubt. You are lovely and helpful so don't stop.xx

  3. Hey - it's me - I always read your blog. Mental health is a favourite subject of mine so your honesty is refreshing. You are also funny. And not at all normal. which is great. Writing is hard work, it should be, creativity is under-rated so keep it up. When we put ourselves out there it is frightening - especially when you get no feedback despite knowing people have looked at your work. I speak as a photographer who is usually crippled by self doubt. You are lovely and helpful so don't stop.xx

  4. Please don't give up the blog. Whenever I see you've added a post it's the first thing I dive into. I love reading about your life and was very sad when you stopped last to. I love reading about all your Currys and the trials and tribulations of Pepper Pooch (who has you wrapped around her little dew claw) ☺ I also like the bits you put about mental health, it helps me understand my own ups and downs. Keep on writing hun!

    1. Thank you Sharron, I'm really happy you love my Currys Haha, you have to love autocorrect :) I know you mean furries! Thanks for your support.
