Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Always find the positive.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Pretty well behaved!

Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds): 😋.
Overall day(s):  🐾

Yesterday was one of those days when stuff didn't go right! Pepper was limping, so Clever Bird decided that it would be best not to have any hurtling about. Hormonal Hannah was feeling anxious (for no reason), so they spent the morning relaxing on the sofa. Baggy was giving a blood donation in the afternoon, so at 2.00pm Furry Mama wrapped the pooch up in a fleece coat and they headed off to the donation centre. Baggy parked up and Furry Mama opened the side windows of Billy Bob Jalopy campervan to let the air through and put a bowl of water out for him. As Baggy crossed the road to the village hall, all Freda Fretter could hear was hysterical, whimpery barking. Her appointment was at 2.35pm. She walked in and realised that the waiting area was full to overflowing. By 3.00pm Hormonal Hannah's anxiety was beginning to spiral, as Freda worried about Pepper and Billy Bob! She was just about to leave, when they called her name.

Lots of questions and checks, then the first needle. Just a little pin prick in Baggy's finger - spots of blood dropped into some magic solution. The blobs all bounced back to the surface. They're not supposed to. "Your iron level is low".
"Yes, it was last time. I have bouncy blood! But when they did the second test, it was fine".
"Okay, well we'll need to do that test again this time. I'll just get a nurse".

Needle number two. A big one - in Baggy's right arm. Fail! Baggy's iron was too low - she couldn't donate. Well at least she had tried. At 3.30pm, an hour after she arrived, Baggy headed back to the campervan. To say that the pooch was happy to see her would be a bit of an understatement - he literally launched himself at her! As Furry Mama tried to get in the camper to put the lid back on Pepper's water, he ended up on top of Baggy's head, licking her and jumping about. Hannah's anxiety vanished, as Furry Mama laughed at the pooch's antics. 

They headed into town. Calum had asked Baggy to go to the Post Office for him. He squirrels money away and then produces it (as if from nowhere). But when he went to spend some of it at the garage they wouldn't accept it. Baggy went to the Post Office counter. Pepper instantly sat next to her (without being asked). "Please could I change these notes?"
"You don't need to".
"I don't?"
"No, paper ten pound notes are legal tender until March. We've been giving them out this morning".
Half-an-hour wasted again! When Baggy relayed these facts to Calum on the phone later, she said that she'd totally wasted her day. "No you haven't. You learnt that your iron level is low and that paper ten pound notes are still legal tender." Bless him! 

Today Furry Mama decided that Hannah and the pooch needed a lovely trip out. It's cold and windy, but a beautiful day in Suffolk. A bit of fresh air and exercise was what they both needed. Clever Bird decided that Pepper probably shouldn't chase the ball, as she didn't want his leg to get any worse. They headed off along the beach towards the harbour - straight into the sun. 

The wind was biting! Pepper kept running off, but then leaping on Baggy to try and get Furry Mama to throw the ball. He spotted a dog in the distance and shot off to say "Hi". This is a new thing, which Furry Mama is happy to see. He's even beginning to understand how to play with other dogs. He flew up the beach. Further and further he flew. 

Then he shot across the beach and vanished in the sand dunes. He reappeared briefly behind some sea grass, then disappeared. Baggy waited. And waited. Freda Fretter waited. And waited. And panicked. Furry Mama blew the whistle that she'd tried on him a couple of times. Nothing. Baggy started to walk to the dunes. Freda was starting to freak out. Baggy got to the top of the dunes. No sign of the pooch. A lady was walking a brown Labrador, "Pepper COME", yelled Baggy, then blew her whistle again. Freda spotted him, just as the lady asked if Baggy was looking for a black dog. "Yes, I've just seen him". He was hurtling back to Furry Mama.
"Well at least he comes back", said the lady. Hmmmmm! Clever Bird isn't sure, but she thinks he went to the café to get a drink - water Baggees, not coffee! But yes, he did come back. Furry Mama gave him some treats for doing so. They went back on the beach. Furry Mama decided to play safe and get his ball out.

The wind had literally swept the sand, Creative Clara loved the effect of leaving prints in it. The pooch just wanted to play.

Clara collected some more special rocks! But Baggy was starting to feel cold. The wind was bitter and Baggy had to keep retrieving the ball from the water, so Clever Bird decided it was time to head home.

Pepper has been asleep for the last two hours. Clara has been blogging for just as long. Baggy is now thinking about having a siesta before setting The Domestic Goddess on a mission..........

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