Saturday, 6 January 2018

Baggy trousers!

Note to readers (my lovely Baggetts): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing!

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 2.
Tears: No.

Overall day: Quiet.

For those of you wondering about just how nuts Baggy's new baggy trousers are, and quite what effect they have when teamed with her Birthday present from number one furry - here you go......

Clever Bird has no idea why this outfit should attract any extra attention - but for whatever reason it does, at least she's not just another "invisible" middle-aged/old woman!

Anyway, the outfit is warm and comfy and Calum isn't embarrassed to walk with Baggy, so that's all that matters!  In fact Baggy is feeling the urge to order herself another pair (or two). Hopefully they won't fall off her if she ever manages to lose some of her excess weight again. They shouldn't do, as the beautiful girl who models them is a petite size 8!!

Meanwhile, Creative Clara's still using Calum's laptop. So today they pootled over to Diss to go to a computer shop to buy a mains lead. It turns out that there's nothing wrong with the lead that Cal bought on t'internet. What is wrong, is that Clever Bird has broken the hole that the lead fits in to. When the pooch chewed the original lead, Clever Bird used the one from her old laptop. The only problem with that, not so clever plan, being that it wasn't the right size. So she fiddled with it a lot to keep it connected, and broke the hole it fits in to. Her laptop is now at the shop for the hole to be fixed. 

It might be time for Dodgy truck to go to a new home, so on the way back they popped into the garage that bought Baggy's Fiat to see whether they would be interested in him. Of course he's not exactly your run of the mill vehicle, so they need to do research. One of the questions was how long his MOT was valid for. Cal said "Until March I think". They checked on the database. No. Not March. Now! Clever Bird does not understand why a reminder isn't sent out by the DVLA - well she probably does, it'll be down to cost, as they don't get the income from the MOT - but it's very frustrating. It's especially annoying, as he's been in the garage for the last two weeks having new brakes fitted. Sigh. Baggy might therefore be Billy Bob-less for the week so that Cal can get to work. That will wear a couple of ounces off Baggy! Every cloud and all that..........

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