Thursday, 25 January 2018

Baggy's got the blues.

Note to readers (my lovely Baggees): For the avoidance of any doubt - every character in this blog is me!!! No Baggy was harmed in its writing.

Baggy's daily state!
Depression (Black = really bad/Grey = not great/Blue = okay/Yellow = sunny day): Blue.
Anxiety (From 1 = barely any to 10 = gibbering wreck standard): 9.
Tears: Some.
Pancakes (Yes/No): Hopefully not!

Weight in her terrifying naked state (Stones and pounds):😠 
Overall day: 😌 .

Blue day. Blue mood. Blue place. Better than yesterday at least! Once again Baggy didn't really want to do anything today. But the pooch needs his exercise - fact. Especially as he seems to have even more get-up-and-go now he's on his second day of weird feather food. Mind you Baggees, Furry Mama mucked up this morning. She's taken to sitting with Hinge and Bracket when they eat their breakfasts, to ensure that Hinge eats her tablet and her Lactulose and Bracket doesn't snaffle it. Now it's also imperative that she stops Pepper from licking out the bowls, so once they've finished, The Domestic Goddess collects them and washes them up - not that there's anything left in them really as they have been licking them clean recently. But today she forgot. It was only when she went up to give the girls their lunch that she realised that the pooch had licked the bowls clean. How could she tell the difference? Because he'd promptly been sick on the carpet! Note to The Goddess - must try harder! Her stupidity upset Hormonal Hannah, but then it doesn't take much at all to upset the sensitive woman at the moment.

But at least she decided to go out. It's a gorgeous day. Clever Bird decided that of all the options, in spite of the fact that a couple of dogs have died inexplicably on local beaches recently, it's probably the safest option for Pepper. His allergy to grass, fungi and tree pollen is a higher risk than him eating something that would kill him on the beach. Plus Clever Bird thinks that the salt water might actually help soothe his itchy skin. They headed to the nearest beach at Southwold. Once again, their magic parking space was available! Baggy changed her boots to her waterproof, ball-retrieving ones. The pooch waited patiently. Then hauled Baggy to the beach.

It definitely is therapeutic being on the beach. For the pooch and Baggy. Hannah immediately starts living in the moment, while Baggy enjoys the fresh air, Furry Mama enjoys playing with Pepper, Creative Clara picks up her special stones and Psychic Ploppo admires nature's wonder. Baggy's really lucky to live in such a beautiful county.

They were there for a couple of hours. The pooch wore himself out. Sadly Baggy didn't as she was walking too slowly to burn off many calories, but she still ached! The pooch is getting so much more confident. He even makes the odd friend now.

As she wandered along the beach reflecting on how pretty beaches are, Baggy still had that sick anxious feeling. It's so annoying - feeling worried, even scared, when actually you are really happy is tiring to say the least. Clever Bird wonders whether Baggy's body has once again assimilated the happy pills and they are no longer being as effective. But she is not going to let it beat her!

So today, blue is good - blue is Baggy's favourite colour............

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